(Robert Sepehr) Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia, where in 1910 some of America’s most influential bankers gathered for a secret meeting to plan the country’s monetary policy and establish a central banking system, which resulted in the draft legislation for what eventually became the creation of of the Federal Reserve act.
ECONOMY: Stock Market More Overpriced and Perilous Than Anytime in History
(David Haggith) I’m not going to predict when and how the US stock market will crash as I did by laying out the stages of its fall for 2018. That was easy, but the times are different now.
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Economy: Federal Reserve Proposes New Rule To Let Inflation Run “Hot” Ahead Of Next Recession
(Zero Hedge) As the Federal Reserve remains unable to stoke inflation (because it refuses to measure it correctly) and refuses to factor in asset price inflation…
Paul Craig Roberts: “Oligarchs Will Crash The System To Boot Trump”
(Greg Hunter) Economic expert and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicts that the oligarchs of the New World Order (NWO) will do anything to boot President Trump out of office.
Liquidity Shortage Getting Worse: Fed’s Repo Oversubcribed Even More As Funding Demand Jumps
(Zero Hedge) For those hoping that the dollar shortage and overnight funding crunch would ease on the third day after the G/C repo rate exploded as high as 10%, we have bad news: it has not.
Major Red Flag: The Fed Shocks Everyone With An Emergency Intervention In The Repo Market For The First Time Since 2008
(Michael Snyder) For the very first time since the last financial crisis, the Federal Reserve has been forced to conduct an emergency intervention in the repo market. I know that a lot of people out there don’t know what the repo market is or how it works, and so let me start out with a very basic analogy that may help people understand what we are facing.
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Economy News: Liquidity Shortage Getting Worse: Fed’s Repo Oversubscribed As Funding Demand Soars 50% Overnight
(Zero Hedge) 20 minutes after today’s repo operation began, it concluded and there was some bad news in it: as we feared, yesterday’s take up of the Fed’s repo operation which peaked at $53.2 billion has expanded substantially, and according to the Fed, today there was a whopping $80.05BN in bids submitted, an increase of $27 billion, or 50% more than yesterday.
New Whistleblower Allegation: YouTube Manipulated ‘Federal Reserve’ Search Results in Response to MSNBC Host’s Complaint
(Allum Bokhari) Google-owned YouTube manually adjusted search results for “Federal Reserve” after MSNBC host Chris Hayes complained about the prominence of anti-Fed videos in the top results, according to a source who worked at the tech company.
The Federal Reserve’s Controlled Demolition Of The Economy Is Almost Complete
(Brandon Smith) The Federal Reserve is an often misunderstood entity, not only in the mainstream, but also in alternative economic circles. There is this ever pervasive fantasy on both sides of the divide that the central bank actually “cares” about forever protecting the US economy, or at least propping up the US economy in an endless game of “kick the can”. While this might be true at times, it is not true ALL the time. Things change, agendas change, and sometimes the Fed’s goal is not to maintain the economy, but to destroy it.
How The Federal Reserve Quietly Bankrupted The US Pension System
(Stephanie Pomboy) Actions have consequences. Even for the Fed.
Is The Federal Reserve Actually TRYING To Cause A Stock Market Crash?
(Michael Snyder) The Federal Reserve has decided not to come to the rescue this time.
33 Trillion Reasons Why The New York Times Is Wrong About Russiagate
(Gareth Porter) Further research shows The New York Times was even further off the mark in blaming Russian social media for Trump’s win, as Gareth Porter reports.
Debt Rises: The Government Will Soon Spend More On Interest Than on The Military
(Mac Slavo) As debt and interest rates rise, the government is about to be in a disastrous situation. Very soon, they will spend more money paying interest on the national debt than they will on the bloated military budget.
Trump Poised to Take Control of the Federal Reserve
(Richard X. Bove) President Donald Trump has multiple reasons as to why he should take control of the Federal Reserve. He will do so both because he can and because his broader policies argue that he should do so. The president is anti-overregulating American industry. The Fed is a leader in pushing stringent regulation on the nation. By raising interest rates and stopping the growth in the money supply it stands in the way of further growth in the American economy.
Trump Sets His Sights on the Fed’s Tightening and the Strong Dollar — “It Was Only A Matter of Time”
(Palisade Research) Who says that the President doesn’t – and shouldn’t – pay attention to the U.S. Dollar’s value?