(S.D. Wells) In a joint U.S. regulatory agency recall effort, up to 6.5 million pounds of beef are being yanked after Salmonella infects 120 people nationwide and hospitalizes at least 33. The multi-state outbreak was announced on October 23rd, but not soon enough. Consumers, be on the lookout for beef products carrying the establishment number EST. 267 inside the USDA label. You can return the infected carcass to the store you bought it from.
CBD Bombshell: Cannabis Approved by the FDA for Treatment of Brain and Spinal Cord Glioma Cancer Tumors
(S.D. Wells) This is huge. The FDA just granted orphan drug designation (ODD) to Insys Therapeutics for its pharmaceutical-grade, proprietary cannabidiol (CBD) product for treating cancer tumors in humans.
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DEA Grants Pharmaceutical Company Monopoly on Medical CBD
(Carey Wedler) News circulated recently that the DEA had rescheduled cannabidiol (CBD), the nonpsychoactive ingredient in cannabis, but the technicalities of the agency’s decision actually show their ruling is highly restrictive.
DEA Makes Shocking Move, Orders Increase In Cannabis Production by 500% to Fight Opioid Crisis
(John Vibes) A new filing from the FDA could signal a massive shift in drug policy as the DEA orders a 540 percent increase in the production of marijuana for studies.
Children May Be Eating Cereal Laced With Monsanto’s Toxic Weed Killer
(Caroline Cox) Quaker Oats “Life” and “Squares” cereals. Gerber and Beechnut baby oatmeal. Cheerios. Store brand “O” cereals from Target, Safeway, Walmart, Trader Joe’s and Kroger. All those products were contaminated with glyphosate (often sold as Roundup) in recent independent testing conducted by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH).
75% Of Physicians in The World Refuse Chemotherapy for Themselves
(Real Farmacy ) Doctors used to think that if they drained a sick person’s blood it would purge the “evil” infection or disease right out of the body, but all that did was make the ill person much weaker, unable to fight off whatever was invading their body, and the patient was then highly likely to lose the battle for life, and in less time.
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New Study Proves the FDA Is Actively Suppressing Information About the Harmful Effects of Gardasil
(Lance D Johnson) Young, healthy women who experience amenorrhea, ovarian failure, and infertility have likely been damaged by Merck’s HPV vaccine.
Internal Emails Show FDA is Withholding the Fact that Foods in Your Pantry are Laced with Toxic Weedkiller
(Alex Pietrowski) Glyphosate is Monsanto’s flagship herbicide, appearing in hundreds of agricultural and gardening products, and although it has been linked to cancer and other serious health issues including birth defects and degenerative diseases, the FDA appears to be withholding the fact that this poison is contaminating many of the foods in your pantry.
Allergies Make You Wanna Dye? Allergist Discusses the Link Between Drug Dyes and Allergies
(Ralph Flores) There is an ongoing debate among physicians regarding the adverse effects of food additives such as dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers – most notably their capacity to trigger an actual allergic reaction. Studies have noted cases of allergic reactions to food additives, which included anaphylaxis, a dangerous reaction of the body to an […]
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USDA Organic Infant Formula Contains Pesticide Labeled As a “Nutrient”
(Edward Morgan) The USDA organic label is supposed to protect the consumer against GMOs and avoidable chemical exposures, but the sobering fact is that USDA-certified infant formula manufacturers are not only being allowed to use a pesticide in their formulas, but are advertising it as a ‘healthy’ mineral to unsuspecting consumers. Related: Walnuts Are Drugs, Says […]
First of Its Kind Study Finds Cannabis May Be a “Miracle” Treatment for Autistic Kids
(Claire Bernish) Autism could now be added to the lengthy and perpetually-expanding list of afflictions and symptoms treatable with the one product of nature shamefully prohibited by the federal government — the “miracle” palliative, cannabis.
5 Reasons to STOP Eating Seafood Products: Canned Tuna, Fish, Fish Oil Supplements, and more (Video)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Seafood has long been upheld as a wonderfully healthy addition to your diet, but is this still true? Sadly, while the industrial age has brought us a seemingly endless array of technical gadgets and splendor, the irresponsibility of modern life has destroyed the womb of the earth—our oceans. Today, almost […]