(John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead) Barely three years into the 2020s, and we seem to be living out the prophesies of the Book of Revelation with its dire warnings about plague, poverty, hatred and war.
The CIA May Have Bread Nazi Terror in Ukraine
(Branko Marcetic) The CIA has been secretly training anti-Russian groups in Ukraine since 2015. Everything we know points to the likelihood that includes neo-Nazis inspiring far-right terrorists across the world.
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PRE-CRIME IS HERE: Proposed Canadian Bill Criminalizes Merely THINKING About Posting Hate Speech
(Arsenio Toledo) A new proposed bill recently presented to the Canadian parliament would allow people to report so-called “hate speech” online before it even happens.
“Cancel Culture” Hits the Medical System As European Hospital REFUSES To Treat Russian Patients Who Have Nothing To Do With the War
(Ethan Huff) The Iatros Clinic in Munich is now refusing to treat Russians and Belarusians amid a NATO-led crusade of hatred and xenophobia against all things Russian.
Dr. Robert Malone Calls for Immediate End to Biden’s National Emergency
(Roy Green) President Joe Biden’s extension of the national emergency due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic runs counter to the prevailing situation and stinks of a hidden agenda.
GiveSendGo Hack Against Freedom Convoy Suspected Ties to RCMP, FBI
(Ethan Huff) The Daily SAis reporting that one of the hackers involved with the recent GiveSendGo hack targeting Freedom Convoy protesters in Canada is tied to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Canadian Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and INTERPOL.
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Bill Maher on Trudeau: ‘Now You Do Sound Like Hitler’
(Kyle Becker) Justin Trudeau’s increasingly authoritarian position on Canadians who disagree with him is going so swimmingly that it is now drawing ‘Hitler’ comparisons from liberal hosts abroad.
Evil: Western Australia Bans the Unvaccinated from Visiting Their Own Children in the Hospital
(Ethan Huff) Mark McGowan, the premiere of Western Australia, is upping the ante once again with his endless stream of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny.
Make-a-Wish Denies Wish to 4-Year-Old Cancer Patient Over Vaccination Status
(Kyle Becker) The one-size-fits-all medical tyranny of forced vaccinations for Covid-19 — which does nothing to stop the spread of the disease — has claimed another victim.
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Lancet Letter Says Stigmatizing Unvaccinated in Society “Not Justified”
(Ethan Huff) German researcher Günter Kampf wrote a correspondence published in The Lancet that presents science as evidence to support the right of all unvaccinated people to live their lives as normal and not be stigmatized by the government and the fully vaccinated.
The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion
(John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead) “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau. We are moving fast down the road to fascism.
Nullification: Florida Could Withdraw from Osha Oversight Due to Overreaching Covid Vaccine Mandate
(Ethan Huff) The administration of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is mulling over ways to sidestep the Joe Biden regime’s illegal Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates.
Narrative Collapse: CDC Admits There Is No Record of an Unvaccinated Person Spreading Covid after Recovering
(Ethan Huff) An attorney filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that returned a document from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitting that there is no record of a single unvaccinated person ever spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) after recovering from an alleged infection with it.
Mark your Calendar! Stand for Freedom: Protest the Mandates walkout scheduled for Nov. 8-11
(Ethan Huff) Is your employer demanding that you get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to continue working? If so, consider joining the tens of thousands of health freedom advocates from all across the country who will be participating in next week’s Nationwide Walkout & Stand for Freedom event.
The U.S. Is Destroying Its Own Health Care Infrastructure by Attacking the People Who Remember What Medicine Means
(Ethan Huff) The medical profession is fast becoming an unattractive prospect to young people, many of whom are not at all interested in become just another Big Pharma pawn.