Source Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the Washington politicians enough rope to hang themselves with since it is […]
false flag
President Obama’s Brilliant Strategy No One Seems To Recognize – FreakOutNation
An interesting perspective for sure. I love the aspect of opening the doors to end all perpetual war by Americans demanding the end of them, this is what appears to be happening. This issue with Syria has forced many people to look at where they stand in regards to war and we have spoken. Source […]
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10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control
Source Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing. Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over […]
Still Report 96: Syria Attack (Reveals how the bogus gas attacks occurred) Published on Sep 6, 2013 Should the U.S. intervene militarily in Syria? New video further muddies the waters.
Clarification on Syria Controversy – Articles from 08/31/13-09/05/13
The Constantine Palace G20 Summit Trying something new, instead of uploading all these articles individually I decided to do an all in one. G20 Summit: Obama Faces Heavy Criticism From World Leaders Julie WilsonInfowars.comSeptember 5, 2013 After tuning in to the Congressional debates, Putin heard Kerry tell a congressman al-Qaeda forces no longer make up the […]
DISCLOSURE: US and Britain Had Foreknowledge of Aug 21 False Flag ‘Chemical Attack’ in Syria
Source As we predicted, there has been an onslaught of lies and an orgy of government and media-driven propaganda designed to sway public opinion towards a new war in Syria. Here’s what you need to know… It appears now that the US, Britain and its allies have been lying to the public about recent events in Syria. […]
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Debunking ‘Need for war with Syria’ – ‘Powers that Be’ Shocked the People are not ‘buying the same old game’ Dr. Paul Craig Roberts-A Real Collapse in the Dollar, Gold Could Be $30,000 an Ounce Published on Sep 4, 2013… When it comes to war in Syria, economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “This time the big lie didn’t work like it did in Iraq.” On fallout of a possible Syrian war, Dr. Roberts worries, […]
Bombshell: Syria’s ‘chemical weapons’ turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply and sold at Wal-Mart
Thank you Lucas and Brian Kelly for posting this. Source (NaturalNews) Natural News can now reveal that the Syria chemical weapons narrative being pushed by the White House is an outlandish hoax. To understand why, you have to start with the story published in The Independent entitled Revealed: Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria. […]
Benjamin Fulford – 3 Sep 13: Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA
Source The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government. Fortunately for us all, the plot […] – Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?
“Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?” That is the question millions of people are seeing on billboards, subways, buses, taxi tops and street posters this September. If you didn’t know a third tower fell on 9/11, that’s okay. It’s never too late to go back and reexamine the events that shape our […]
Brian Kelly’s blog: 9/11 Truth Billboard in Busy Downtown Dallas
Source This is beyond awesome!!~BK Source:
DISCLOSURE: CNN Caught using Social Programing (Neuro-Linguistic) to Influence Syrian Conflict.
This is more Data Revealing our money masters, and the powers that were, constantly use social programing and mass mind control techniques. See the end of this post for related articles about this. – Justin Source TV is nauseating to watch CNN shill Jake Tapper trying to use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) on (D) Rep. Alan […]
Revealed: Britain sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria 10 months after war began
Source FURIOUS politicians have demanded Prime Minister David Cameron explain why chemical export licences were granted to firms last January – 10 months after the Syrian uprising began. Men search for survivors amid debris of collapsed buildings BRITAIN allowed firms to sell chemicals to Syria capable of being used to make nerve gas, the Sunday […]
Video: Russell Brand Blasts Syrian War Disinformation
Source After his MSNBC appearance challenging the talking heads of mainstream media generated millions of views on YouTube in a display of just how much the public craves real information, Russell Brand is now back on air exposing the situation and Syria and the mainstream media propaganda. Appearing in an interview with Alex Jones that […]
The Excavator : 11 Reasons Why The Threat From Al-Qaeda is Not Real
By Saman MohammadiThe ExcavatorDecember 8, 2010SourceThe United States government has repeatedly stated that the treat from Al-Qaeda against America is very real, and that all action is being taken to eliminate that threat. Nobody in their right mind would question such a serious assessment about a sensitive national security matter from the world’s leading democracy. […]