FAKE Concentration Camp AOC Images EXPOSED: New Photo Of Ocasio-Cortez “PR Stunt” Exposes What She Was Really Sad About
fake news
Deep Fake Technology Will Soon Be So Advanced That Reality Won’t Be Distinguishable Without A.I.
(Activist Post) Videos utilizing Deep Fake technology, are spreading at a rampant rate online, as social media users are finding themselves questioning whether something is real or edited by the tech.
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More Americans Worried About ‘Fake News’ Than Terrorism, Racism And Climate Change: Poll
(Zero Hedge) A new survey from Pew Research Center has found that Americans view fake news as a bigger threat than terrorism,violent crime, climate change, racism and illegal immigration.
Fake Trump Quote Goes Viral After Left-Wing Journos Mindlessly Retweet
(Zero Hedge) You’d think they would have learned after the Covington fiasco…
Academic Study Exposes Google’s Left-Leaning Media Bias
(Zero Hedge) According to data compiled by researchers from Northwestern University, Google’s left-wing bias has been exposed
Pretty Much the Weakest Argument Against Conspiracy Theories Ever
Pretty Much the Weakest Argument Against Conspiracy Theories Ever
NBC and CNN Caught FAKING Measles Pics
(Nathan Stolpman) The mainstream media has been caught red handed faking measles photos of children seemingly in an attempt to scare the public into to getting vaccinated. YouTube reporter Nathan Stolpman of the Lift The Veil channel reveals the photos along with recent news about people being fined for not getting the MMR jab.
Debunking the “Assange is a Russian Agent” Smear
(Caitlin Johnstone) Not even the US government alleges that WikiLeaks knowingly coordinated with the Kremlin in the 2016 publication of Democratic Party emails; the Robert Mueller Special Counsel alleged only that Guccifer 2.0 was the source of those emails and that Guccifer 2.0 was a persona covertly operated by Russian conspirators. The narrative that Assange worked for or knowingly conspired with the Russian government is a hallucination of the demented Russia hysteria which has infected all corners of mainstream political discourse. There is no evidence for it whatsoever, and anyone making this claim should be corrected and dismissed.
Documentary Exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4 and the Western Media Propaganda War Against Syria
(Vanessa Beeley) I met journalist and friend Rafiq Lutf and cameraman Abdul-Mun’aim Arnous in January 2018 and I was honoured when Rafiq asked me to work with him on his film project, The Veto.
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Google Issues Details of Anti-Fake News System Through Jaded MSM Platforms Like TECHSPOT
(Greg Synek) Bottom line: Google has already shared many of the ways that it fights against the spread of false information, but has now put all of those methods into once easily readable document that was presented at a security conference.
The Washington Post and its History of Questionable Practices
(Ryan DeLarme) The Washington Post, maybe you’ve heard of it? Also known as WaPo, the Post is a news publication composed of more than 700 journalists. This daily “American” newspaper is the most widely circulated newspaper inside the DC beltway, and the area’s oldest politically focused news source. In 2013, it was purchased from the “Graham family” (who had owned and operated the Post for generations) by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (Nash Holdings LLC) for a quarter of a billion dollars. It is oft alleged that WaPo is a propaganda mouthpiece for the CIA and it’s deep-state criminal interests.
The Entire Purpose of Tech Censorship Is to Allow Fake News Media to Push Totally Fabricated Hoax Stories Without Being Exposed for Their Lies
(Vicki Batts) The Covington Catholic hoax propagated by the fake news media has underscored just how far the radical left-wing will go to advance their anti-conservative, anti-American agenda. This scandal shows that the media will lie and endanger the lives of innocent teenagers, just to score a few more political brownie points. But this shocking fake news didn’t spread like wildfire on its own — we have social media to thank for that.
Rumor: Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax: He Did Not Act Alone… Event Was Staged at the Highest Levels of the Deep State, Say Sources
(Mike Adams) The Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax was planned at the highest levels of the (Obama) deep state and was intended to foment a race war across America, say multiple sources across the independent media.
Censorship Continues: Conspiracy Researcher David Icke Banned From Speaking In Australia — Denies Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial Charges
(Justin Deschamps) Researcher and writer David Icke is the latest target of fake news and Deep State propaganda, recently banned from entering Australia for a speaking tour. The claim that Icke is anti-semitic and a holocaust denier appears made up, another straw man mischaracterization used by the media to smear an innocent man. Here’s the facts.
Giant List Of MSM-Fueled Hate-Crime Hoaxes Meant To Frame Trump Supporters
(Zero Hedge) As Brian Stelter and CNN work overtime to pretend that the MSM didn’t uncritically promote Jussie Smollett’s absurd “hate crime” story in a giddy rush to frame Trump supporters as violent, journalist and photographer Andy Ngo has pushed back.