(Dr. Tim Coles) Eugenics is an attempt to produce genetically desirable children and to terminate the lives of those considered to be genetically inferior. Elements of eugenics exist everywhere. For example, when given the choice, people produce children with partners whom they find attractive. Part of them hopes that those attractive qualities will manifest in the offspring. A more extreme form is infanticide: killing children usually because of physical or mental deformity; a practice as old as humanity.1 In Ancient Greece, Plato and Socrates (c. 470-399 BCE) suggested ways of breeding to promote the superior traits of the elite, as sickly infants were deliberately left to die of exposure.2
Eugenics: Over 1,000 Female Prisoners in California Forcibly Sterilized Because ‘It’s Cheaper than Welfare’
(Cassy Fiano-Chesser) A horrifying scheme described as modern-day eugenics has come to light, thanks to the bravery of a victim-turned-whistleblower.
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Gov Docs Reveal Plan To ‘Alter Evolution’ With Nanotech & The Eugenics Element To COVID-19 Policy
(Ryan Cristián) Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/14/21).
Citing White Birth Rates, Chinese Ambassador Claims Western Leaders Are Pursuing a “Genocide Policy”
(Paul Joseph Watson) In response to accusations that the Communist state is “committing genocide” against its Uyghur population, China’s Ambassador to Grenada has accused western leaders of pursuing a “genocide policy” by citing declining birth rates.
The Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein Connection Goes Deeper, as Both Shared Interests in Eugenics
(Lance D Johnson) What in the world would Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates want with a convicted pedophile named Jeffrey Epstein? The disgraced Epstein had already been convicted of two counts of soliciting underage girls for prostitution before he met Gates. Still, Epstein’s influence in the world of billionaires remained. Flight logs show that Bill Gates flew privately with Epstein in 2013, long after Epstein was a known trafficker of young women. In one meeting, Bill Gates flew privately with Epstein to his infamous Palm Beach mansion, where several abuses had been reported over the years. The two were so cozy that Epstein ultimately listed Bill Gates’ former chief scientific adviser, Boris Nikolic, as an alternative executor to his final will. The biotech entrepreneur was “shocked” when this was revealed just days after Epstein’s alleged prison suicide.
Black Genocide EXPOSED: International Program to Eliminate Blacks via Hidden Infertility Chemical in Vaccines is Actually Named the “Eliminate Project”
(Ethan Huff) Many people don’t realize it, but the so-called humanitarian organization UNICEF (an arm of the World Health Organization) does not exist for the purpose of helping to save the poor and disadvantaged of our planet from poverty and plight. As evidenced with its “The Eliminate Project,” UNICEF is actually working covertly to eliminate the poor (mostly blacks) with vaccines and other harmful “medicine” that exist under the guise of humanitarian aid.
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The Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein Connection Goes Deeper, as Both Shared Interests in Eugenics
(Lance D Johnson) What in the world would Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates want with a convicted pedophile named Jeffrey Epstein? The disgraced Epstein had already been convicted of two counts of soliciting underage girls for prostitution before he met Gates. Still, Epstein’s influence in the world of billionaires remained.
7 Incredibly Shocking Quotes From the Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
(Becky Yeh) As the founder of America’s largest abortion chain, Margaret Sanger’s ideology for Planned Parenthood was cemented in eugenics, the belief and practice that aims to eliminate certain groups of people.
Epstein Planned To Seed Human Race With His DNA By Impregnating Scores Of Women In New Mexico
(Zero Hedge) Jailed pedophile Jeffrey Epstein wanted to seed the human race with his DNA by impregnating scores of women at his giant ranch in New Mexico, according to the New York Times. He also wanted his penis and head cryogenically frozen.
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Top Dem Candidate Openly Supports Taxing Families With More Than 2 Kids for ‘Irresponsible Breeding’
(Mac Slavo) A democrat congressional candidate in Pennsylvania has desires to tax parents who have more than two children as “irresponsible breeders.” Scott Wallace is a population control zealot who has donated over $7 million to population control groups.
Is Eugenics Alive, Well And Actually Thriving Today?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) What is eugenics, you may be wondering. There are confused interpretations of that term, especially when it is not recognized for what it originally had been intended to mean, i.e.,
Occupy Corporatism: NC State to Compensate Eugenics Victims Who Were Sterilized
Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism July 31, 2013 Between 1929 and 1974 more than 7,600 people were sterilized in North Carolina (NC) under the eugenics courts where some of the victims were as young as 10 and chosen for ludicrous reasons such as supposed promiscuity and not getting along with classmates. During a recent hearing in […]