(Matt Agorist) Take away the political corruption, bribery scandals, increased accidents, and police state issues with Red Light Cameras and we are still left with a system that is rooted in the removal of due process. After the corporatist red light camera industry spread through the nation like a cancer for more than a decade, people […]
equity law
Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st Was Illegally Suspended in Favor of a Vatican “Crown” Corporation in 1871
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article details a pivotal piece of history that all who seek freedom would do well to understand. While many people assume that the legal system is a discoherent mash of randomly enacted “laws” (which is true in some cases), there is a more delicate underlying fabric at work. The […]
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The Truth About the Pledge of Allegiance: Indoctrination And Obedience | The Power of Affirmations and Pledges
Giving a pledge of allegiance using one’s voice to speak the words into vibration is a very powerful tool for manifestation. In law, speaking our mind via the word is known as a testament, using our free will, the most powerful thing in the universe. Related The Law Explained: Session 5 – Documents and Securities A […]
Snopes Fails to Debunk Judge’s Call For US Marshals and FBI To Arrest Congress and The President
In preparing to post the following article by The Mind Unleashed, I came upon an article by the popular rumor vetting site Snopes. To their credit, there have been logical and concise debunkings presented there, but when reviewing a recent attempt to refute Judge Anna’s call, they utterly failed to disprove anything, and at best […]
House Passes Bill To Audit Federal Reserve
This is a hopeful turn of events, although, in all likelihood, no audit of the Fed will occur in the existing climate of fraudulent government control. The bill still has to pass the Senate, and the White House has already said it will issue a veto if it passes. The fact that the president of […]
Debt Contesting Essentials – Contract, Consent and Conditional Acceptance | Unsecured Debt Can Be Terminated
For the average person living in society today, debt is an ever-present concern. Most of the money we make during the course of our lives goes to paying back debts for cars, housing, medical expenses, and so on. But what if almost all debt was an elaborate fraud and could be contested lawfully? The following article […]
Waiting For Justice | This Court Case Could Unshackle Americans From Student Debt
Student loans are quickly becoming the single largest source of consumer debt, along side mortgages and auto loans. But unlike these other forms of debt, consumers who go through financial hardship have no process to seek remedy. In Equity Law or ‘Contract Law’ a party is always capable of seeking remedy, which is the right […]
NO Law Requires You To Register or Pledge Your Private Automobile | Pulled over today with no license, license plate, or registration
There is a part of our world integrated by co-creative consciousness, a grand undertaking of many individuals all working together to effect a goal of epic proportions. This achievement of cooperation by the hands of a few dedicated individuals has transformed the planet and touched nearly everyone’s life to some degree. The system I am […]
Frauds: Marriage Licenses, Civil Unions and 501(c) (3) Incorporation | Judge Anna Von Reitz Wait a Moment…. “How can it be illegal for people to get married?”
With the recent Supreme Court decision, stating gay marriage is not unconstitutional, many are cheering at what could be thought of as a granting of liberties. But is there something more insidious at work? What is a Marriage License or Civil Union within a legal framework? Generally speaking something that is Legal is simply a government codification. […]
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‘Masonic Police Department’ Arrested For Impersonating Public Officials…By An Illegitimate Government Who Is Also Impersonating Public Officials
This is a rather interesting story which could be connected to several of the narratives discussing disclosure this year. As many researchers have uncovered the government in the US is not a de jure or by the people organization, it is an insurgent run de facto occupy force, which took over the de jure government […]
Justin Deschamps Interview with Peter Eugene on Solutions For The Planet | May 8th 2015 4pm EST
Peter Eugene and I will be having a discussion about many things on Friday May 8th. Peter has been revealing a great deal of information about the legalized slavery systems running rampant on Earth and what we can do to un-consent from any implied contracts. Should be an enlightening discussion! – Justin Join Brother Peter and Brother Justin […]
Legalized Slavery: The 13th and 14th Amendment Hoax – Judge Anna von Reitz Exposes the Fraudulent Congress
Another very detailed post by Judge Anna. Click here for previous essential data. The PAC Alliance website is another source of information on this score. One point I want to make is that these systems are within the Equity or Contract law framework which is under Trust Law sourced from Natural Law. Within those superior […]
U.S. Judges Are: Incompetent, Discriminatory and In Breach of Contract | A Documentary Script That Will Reveal The Fraud
Jean Hanes recently posted on her revamped blog, Co-creating Our Future On Planet Earth, a story involving Judge Anna and her work. Click Here for previous updates. In the post The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States, we discussed that the whole ‘justice system’ […]
MERS Note Assignment Fraud Revealed | Nebraska District Court Denies Bank of America’s Motion To Dismiss
For those who know the basis of the foreclosure fraud taking place in the US, and elsewhere, the following will be a ray of hope. Granted the court system is a mafia run private corporation. But even within that organization, there are human beings who can choose to act honorably. It appears that a landmark decision in Nebraska took place recently. This is […]
The National Debt Is Not For Americans To Payback | History of The Corporate Takeover of The Continental United States
This is yet another empowering disclosure by Judge Anna. The National Debt, which has been the cause of so much anxiety in the past 10 years, is in fact a foreign debt incurred by the USA, Inc. The people are in fact the creditors of this debt, and are owed vast sums by the foreign […]