(Matt Agorist) For years, the Free Thought Project has been set on exposing the cozy relationship between billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein and high-level establishment insiders. And, for years, we’ve been one of only a few voices out there willing to report on this corruption and depravity inside politics. That is, until now.
Jeffrey Epstein Settles Out of Court in Civil Trial to Avoid Release of New Info
(Derrick Broze) Jeffrey Epstein has agreed to a financial settlement and issued an apology to Bradley Edwards, the attorney representing several of Epstein’s victims.
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Royal Family Implicated in Billionaire Pedophile Scandal as Court Case Begins in Florida
(RT News) The Royal Family are being dragged back into the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile scandal, as a photo of the Queen’s son, Prince Andrew, with an alleged ‘underage prostitute’ is listed as an exhibit in a new US court case.
Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein (2018 Documentary)
(The Conscious Resistance) The Conscious Resistance Networks presents: Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein
New FBI Files Show Feds Gave Billionaire Pedophile Epstein Freedom in Exchange for ‘Information’
(Rachel Blevins) Files released by the FBI revealed that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was given a lenient plea deal after he “provided information to the FBI as agreed upon.”