New Tape Shows Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein Discussing Women at Mar-A-Lago Party In 1992 (Video)
Jeffrey Epstein’s Case Raises Questions About Royal Family Pedophilia & Elite Ritualistic Abuse of Children
(Arjun Walia) Child sex abuse among the global elite is extremely rampant. This no doubt makes those who aren’t really aware of it wonder: Why is this not more well-known? Well, the answer to that is simple, it’s the same reason why so many other ‘happenings’ on planet Earth go virtually unknown, and that’s because we have been relying on a small group of very powerful and wealthy people and the corporations they run for information about what is happening on our planet.
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The Heart of Darkness: The Sexual Predators Within America’s Power Elite
(John W. Whitehead) Power corrupts.
“There Were Photos Of Topless Women Everywhere”: Epstein’s Former IT Guy Quit Over Disturbing Pictures
(Zero Hedge) Jeffrey Epstein’s former IT contractor, Steve Scully, says that he ended his business relationship with the 66-year-old pedophile over hordes of young women all over his infamous private island, as well as an extensive collection of photographs depicting topless women displayed in the island’s various compounds, according to Good Morning America.
Victoria’s ‘Dirtiest’ Secret: Epstein Demanded ‘Casting Couch’ Sex Acts With Aspiring Models
(Zerohedge) Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein apparently had quite the casting couch going on in his Manhattan mansion, according to the New York Post.
“It’s Going To Be Staggering”: Epstein Associates Prepare For Worst As Massive Document Dump Imminent
(Zero Hedge) As the Jeffrey Epstein case continues to unfold, a laundry list of celebrities, business magnates and socialites who have flown anywhere near the registered sex offender’s orbit are now tainted with pedo-polonium. Many of them, such as Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, and Victoria’s Secret boss Les Wexner have sought to distance themselves from Epstein and his activities – however their attempts have fallen on deaf ears considering their extensive ties to the pedophile.
US Judge Unseals Files in Case of Girl, 17, ‘Forced to Have Sex With Prince Andrew’
(Galactic Connection) Documents from a 2015 libel suit linked to the sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of the prince, are to be made public.
Deep State Takedown News: July 15th to 16th 2019
Deep State Takedown News: July 15th to 16th 2019
Jeffrey Epstein Declares He’s Worth $559 Million
(Zerohedge) No longer can we call Jeffrey Epstein a “billionaire pedophile” or a “billionaire registered sex-offender.” In a court document filed Monday afternoon following a bail hearing, the 66-year-old financier claims to be worth just over $559 million as of June 30, 2019.
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Mainstream Media Soft Disclosure of the Deep State: ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Stanley Kubrick Captured Horrors of Jeffrey Epstein Era – Newsweek
(Justin Deschamps) Ever since Stanley Kubrick’s last film, Eyes Wide Shut, occult researchers claimed it was filled with references to the elite and their disturbing practices and beliefs. These same researchers also claimed that the powers that be intend on revealing themselves to the public, doing so through popular media as is their usual modus operandi. Recently, the Jeffrey Epstein case is revealing the Deep State’s insidious practices many have discussed for years.
Epstein Safe Had Expired Passport Claiming Saudi Residency and “Piles of Cash”
(Zero Hedge) FBI agents who cracked open a safe in Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion discovered “piles of cash,” dozens of diamonds and an expired passport from the 1980s that listed his residence as Saudi Arabia, according to the Daily Beast – which notes that it is unclear whether this is the same safe that contained nude or semi-nude photographs believed to be of underage girls.
Meet the Madam: Epstein Arrest Casts Spotlight on Ghislaine Maxwell
(Zero Hedge) Following the arrest of pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein last Saturday, many outlets have turned their attention to his longtime confiante, socialite heiress Ghislaine Maxwell – who has been accused by three women of procuring and training young girls to perform massage and sexual acts on the 66-year-old registered sex offender and his associates.
Epstein Has ‘Secret’ Steel Safe In Off-Limits Room On ‘Pedo Island’
(Zero Hedge) With all eyes on Jeffrey Epstein following his Saturday arrest on charges of underage sex-trafficking, we now turn our attention to the mysterious island owned by the pedophile financier. Related Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein (2018 Documentary) Source – Zero Hedge by Staff Writer, July 12th, 2019 Little St. James – or as locals call it […]
Here’s What the Feds Found in Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan Mansion
(Humans are Free) They said they uncovered thousands of photos of nude girls, a massage table with sex toys and lube, and notes and messages that include victim names.
Jeffrey Epstein Indictment Unsealed: Are We Seeing The Power Elite Finally Come Down?
(Richard Enos) Martin Luther King popularized the quotation above as it was emblematic of his fervent belief that in due time–and he recognized this time could be after he had passed away–true justice would prevail in the world. This notion also resonates with the world’s popular spiritual traditions, where many prophesy that a ‘day of judgment’ would eventually be upon us, a day that would signal the end of one human era and the beginning of another.