(Gerald Sinclair) In this world, there are a lot more empaths and intuitive people than most stop to realize. Far more of us now than ever are in tune with the world around us and capable of really working towards great things even in the smallest ways.
People With Higher Empathy Levels Process Music Differently, According to Breakthrough Study
(Gerald Sinclair) People who feel the pain of others are much more empathic than most. They can relate to the people who are suffering on a real level and touch on that pain as if it were their own.
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Researchers Determine That Reading Stories Increases Empathy
(Russel Davis) Research carried out by a team of scientists at the University of Southern California (USC) has revealed that reading stories proves to be a universal experience that may promote empathy in people regardless of cultural differences and origins. The research published in Human Brain Mapping has identified the brain activity patterns of people who completely understand stories in their native language.
Energy Management and Empowerment: A Guide for Empaths
(Juliet Tang) For years, I identified myself as an empath.
Study: People With Depression Use Language Differently – Here’s How to Spot It
(Christina Sarich) A new study, published in Clinical Psychological Science, has discovered a class of words that can accurately assess whether someone is suffering from depression. Utilizing a technologically advanced set of linguistics algorithms, computerized models cull through massive data banks of spoken or written text in minutes to determine if someone shows signs of being depressed.
How to Avoid Empathy Burnout When You are Surrounded by Other People’s Pain
(Josh Richardson) It seems there could never be enough empathy and compassion in our world, but we are starting to discover that our capacity for empathy – to share the emotions of others and take their perspective – can come with a bit of a sting if we’re not careful. If we get caught up on […]
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Chronic Exposure to Violence Kills Empathy, Ability to Process Emotions: Study Finds Violent Video Games Change Young People’s Brains
(Frances Bloomfield) Violent video games are often thought of as encouraging anti-social, aggressive behavior; new research has suggested that they can do so much more. The investigators behind a recent study have found that prolonged exposure to violent video games may actually impact people on a neural level, resulting in reduced empathy and increased emotional callousness. […]
10 Characteristics of Highly Evolved Beings
(Jeff Street) Highly evolved beings, and the civilizations that they create, embrace principles and ways of being that create highly beneficial outcomes for all. Their civilizations are characterized by cooperation, harmony, and love rather than competition, conflict, and fear. The net result is civilizations where freedom, prosperity, and happiness abound. Related Human Evolution Speeding Up, Study Says […]
As Gov’t Frames Et’s as Threat, Many Use Higher States of Consciousness to Contact Them
(Dylan Charles ) Recent media events brought the UFO and disclosure story back into the headlines, if only for a very brief moment. Boiled down it goes something like this: a disgruntled Pentagon employee goes public about a secretive black-budget program that looks at the UFO/alien phenomenon as a potential threat, in the process discloses new UFO footage and […]
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Psychopath Vs. Empath: The War Between Evolution and Stagnation
(Gary ‘Z’ McGee) In Psychopath vs. Empath, Part 1: The War Between Truth and Deception, we talked about the cultural dynamic between the psychopath and the empath in the world. In this article, we will go deeper into the psychopath/empath dynamic within us all. While also going big-picture about how that dynamic will affect our evolution as […]
Empathy Leads To Telepathy – Telepathy Leads To Oneness
(Olga Star) A lot of abilities or super-senses if you like, overlap, compliment or add to one another. The same with empathy, telepathy and Oneness. While all three are subjects of many discussions, confrontations and even a subject of worship (in case of Oneness), it is important to underline how one leads to another, not quite […]
The Importance of Being Vulnerable in a Hardening World
(Sofia Adamson) The world is hardening as people grip ever tighter to their opinions and beliefs, entrenching themselves ever more deeply into their biases and echo chambers. Battle lines are being drawn and the rhetoric is heating up. Talk of civil war is being tossed around, as though there is no possible way to unite and […]
The Difference Between an Empath, a Sympath and One Who Practices Compassion
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I’ve had the capacity to empathize with others for most of my life. So much so, that I’ve used to be an emotional mess. As I began to do my personal work, I noticed that the more I develop my inner temple of self-mastery (know thyself), the more clearly I […]
The 5 Psychic Super Powers of Highly Empathic People
(Lauren Simpson-Green) “I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person.” ~ Walt Whitman, Song of Myself You may see being highly empathic as a curse, especially when it seems to push people away from you rather than pull them towards you. Holding on to other people’s energy, […]
4 Super Powers of the Highly Empathic Person
(Christina Sarich) Many empathic, or highly sensitive people feel that their ability to feel so many different emotional energies in their environments is a curse, but with recent research suggesting that empaths are actually highly psychic, you may want to hone your empathic skills instead of hiding them away, or bemoaning their existence. Here are 4 super-powers […]