(Frankie Stockes) Erin Brooks said she was retaliated against after blowing the whistle on the scandal.
Chicago High School Will Introduce Race-Based Grading System
(Cullen McCue) Black students will be the primary beneficiaries of the policy.
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Doctors, Feminists, Trump Education Officials Defend Teacher Fired For Not Using Preferred Pronouns
(Greg Piper) Educators have hot streak in federal courts, and Virginia Supreme Court offers new opportunity to protect their speech and religious rights beyond First Amendment under state constitution.
Arizona Education Dept. Promotes Sex and Gender Chat Rooms for Kids
(Madeleine Hubbard) One chatroom website allows users to quickly change pages to keep the conversations private.
Video: Psaki Doubles Down, Declares Teachers Should Be Talking To Five-Year-Olds About Gender Identity
(Steve Watson) “What do you do if a parent or a kid, should I say a kid, in one of these elementary schools says, ‘What about Sally, Sally has two moms?’ or ‘I’m not sure if I’m a girl or a boy?’”
NYC Accuses Dozens Of Teachers Of Showing Fake Vax Cards; Teachers Union Fights Back
(Zach Jewell) The New York City Department of Education (DOE) accused around 70 teachers last week of submitting fake COVID-19 vaccine cards, but a teachers union says the accusations are unfounded.
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School Nurse Was Fired for Revealing That Teachers Were Secretly Giving Students Puberty Blockers
(Cullen Mccue) A school nurse in Connecticut was fired after revealing that teachers were secretly giving “gender confused” preteen students puberty blockers behind their parents’ backs. Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended by the Hartford School District after going public with the information on social media.
REVEALED: World Economic Forum Leader Advocates China-Style ‘Re-Education Camps’ Used For Uyghur Genocide.
(Natlie Winters) Wang Guan – a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader – has repeatedly advocated for the Chinese Communist Party’s “re-education camps,” weaponized by the regime against Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
Ferris State Prof. Barry Mehler Goes on Unhinged Rant, Says He Assigns Grades Randomly Using “Predestination” Because His Students Are Just “Vectors of Disease”
(Ethan Huff) A tenured professor at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich., opened up the new semester with a bang, revealing that he will not be assigning grades based on merit but rather by chance.
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Parent Finds Numerous Grammatical Errors in Letter from Virginia Teachers Union President
(Joe Hoft) Time to find a better school not connected to the Virginia teachers union.
Education During an Economic Collapse
(J.G. Martinez) Some things of necessity have to take a back seat during disaster. Is education during an economic collapse one of them? I don’t think so. Not entirely, anyway. Sure, you still have to primarily focus on food, water, shelter, and safety, but the fact is, you don’t know how long this disaster is going to last.
‘You Need a Little Education’: Carlson Unleashes On Republican During Fiery Clash on Russia
(Martin Walsh) Fox News host Tucker Carlson tore into Ohio GOP Rep. Mike Turner on Wednesday night over claims that more American troops need to be sent overseas.
Hours After Loudoun County Students Walk Out of Schools, Parents Take Their Demands to School Board
(C. Douglas Golden) Loudoun County, Virginia, parents have a clear message for their school board and superintendent: It’s time for them to go.
Terry McAuliffe Just Smeared Virginia Parents AGAIN…Calls Concerns About Critical Race Theory “Racist” [Video]
(Leisa Audette) Terry McAuliffe is one stubborn politician who will not back down from his false claim that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not taught in Virginia schools. He must not pay attention to his own state because Loudoun and Fairfax Counties (see below) have been in the news many times lately over criticism from parents about Critical Race Theory being taught in schools.
Campus Cancel Culture Prompts Formation of National Alumni Free Speech Group
(Greg Piper) Yale “trap house” controversy shows need for alumni group to challenge administrators, Alumni Free Speech Alliance founder says.