(Zero Hedge) Biden’s “Build Back Better” efforts have been a phenomenal failure so far, but maybe that’s because Americans just don’t understand a good thing when they see it?
Small Businesses Unable To Cope With Increased Prices Caused by Port Congestion
(Arsenio Toledo) Small businesses are feeling the brunt of the congestion in America’s ports and supply chains. While larger corporations are expanding their operations to keep up with demand, smaller businesses can’t scale up their services and are being left in the dust.
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Worsening Shipping Crisis Will Affect Retail Supply Lines and Shopping for Holidays
(Mary Villareal) The world’s network of ports, container vessels, and trucking companies that allow goods to move globally has been tangled due to the pandemic, and the cost of shipping is skyrocketing.
Grocery Prices Skyrocket 31 Percent in One Year as Lockdowns, Drought and Money Printing Unleash Food Inflation
(Mary Villareal) Food prices in July were up 31 percent from the same month in 2020, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This rise is fueled by supply chain disruption and extreme weather conditions.
China Millionaires To Double By 2025 As America Fades Into Darkness
(Zero Hedge) Rising wealth in China and the number of millionaires and the middle class is set to increase through the midpoint of this decade as the country grows more affluent and smarter.
HIDDEN MESSAGES: The World in 2019 According to the Economist Magazine
(Vigilant Citizen) A look at the cryptic symbolism found on the cover of the Economist’s “The World in 2019” which includes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What are they trying to tell us?
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War On Cryptocurrencies: Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup And Capital One Have Banned Their Customers From Buying Bitcoin With Credit Cards
(Michael Snyder) A war on cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin has begun, and it threatens to destroy the entire cryptocurrency industry.