(Jeff Thomas) I first began to predict a major economic collapse back in 1999. Although I understood that it was at least fifteen years off and possibly more, I believed that it would be wise to begin to prepare for it then, as the actual date of collapse could not be predicted. (Better to be a few years early than even one day too late.)
economic collapse
It’s Mid-2022 And The Fed Has Still Done Nothing To Fight Inflation
(News Editors) It was last August when Jerome Powell began to admit that inflation just might be a problem. But even then, he was only willing to say that inflation would likely be “moderately” above the arbitrary 2 percent inflation standard. Back in August, low inflation—not high inflation—was still perceived to be the “problem.” But things had certainly changed by late November when Powell was forced by reality to retire “transitory” as the preferred adjective to describe price inflation. At that point, the Fed began strongly hinting that it would finally do something to rein in price inflation. But exactly when that might happen remained anyone’s guess.
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JD Rucker: Start Prepping for Economic Collapse – Or Something Worse
(Nolan Barton) “The Midnight Sentinel” host JD Rucker urged his viewers during a recent episode of his show to start prepping for economic collapse – or something worse.
Is the Biden Gang Using the Russia-Ukraine ‘Conflict’ as a Scapegoat for High Gas Prices, Inflation and the Pending Economic Collapse?
(Joe Hoft) Is the Biden gang focusing on Russia and Ukraine in order to blame this ‘conflict’ for high gas prices, inflation, and the pending collapsing economy?
Trucking Companies Sound Alarm, Say Canada’s Draconian Vaccine Mandate for Cross-Border Truckers Will Devastate Economy
(JD Heyes) Trucking organizations are echoing warnings from individual haulers and trucking companies that vaccine mandates for drivers on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border are going to devastate economics and come at a time when the supply chain crisis continues to leave shelves bare in grocery and retail stores.
What Do They Know? China Has Hoarded Over Half of the World’s Grains in the Last Two Years to Prepare for ‘Famine’
(JD Rucker) The Bible tells us that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. The verse in the Book of Matthew refers to trespassers against us, but it has been a guiding principle many of us use to establish the truth. This is why I sat on this story for a little while. I only heard about it from one source and could not confirm the validity.
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Education During an Economic Collapse
(J.G. Martinez) Some things of necessity have to take a back seat during disaster. Is education during an economic collapse one of them? I don’t think so. Not entirely, anyway. Sure, you still have to primarily focus on food, water, shelter, and safety, but the fact is, you don’t know how long this disaster is going to last.
Over 100,000 Workers Are Currently on Strike and Could Collapse the Economy, but Biden Is Doing Nothing To Reactivate Productive Members of Society
(Arsenio Toledo) More than 100,000 American workers are currently on strike – a culmination of nearly two years of labor unrest that started when the government forcibly shut down entire industries in early 2020. But instead of helping resolve the labor disputes and keep the economy from crashing, President Joe Biden is standing on the sidelines.
Is It Time to Start Talking About Hyperinflation?
(Michael Snyder) Our leaders have been creating, borrowing and spending dollars at a pace that is far beyond anything that we have ever seen before in U.S. history, and yet they would have us believe that the terrible inflation that they have created is just “temporary”.
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Labor and Energy Shortages: The Cracks in the Economy Are Showing
(Ramon Tomey) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a negative impact on the U.S. at large. However, an impending economic collapse – with the economy showing signs of it – is threatening to make things worse. The recent shortages in manpower and energy reported in various parts of the world can attest to this.
Worsening Shipping Crisis Will Affect Retail Supply Lines and Shopping for Holidays
(Mary Villareal) The world’s network of ports, container vessels, and trucking companies that allow goods to move globally has been tangled due to the pandemic, and the cost of shipping is skyrocketing.
Are Americans FINALLY Getting Off Their Knees? “Our Families Are Starving!”
(Mac Slavo) Are Americans finally figuring out the massive hoax pulled off by government and mainstream media? At least one person in California has warned the politicians: “Our families are starving. We’ll become revolutionary citizens soon.”
250,000 Las Vegans Face Eviction Next Month
(Activist Post) Las Vegas is expected to become one of the focal points of the eviction crisis as nearly a quarter-million people could be removed from their homes in the coming weeks, reported AP News.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw: Black Lives Matter Riots in Texas Spreading the Coronavirus – NOT the Economic Reopening
(Arsenio Toledo)Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas’ second congressional district said on June 29 on Fox & Friends that the Wuhan coronavirus spike in his state is coming from Black Lives Matter demonstrators, and not from the phased reopening plan as some liberal news outlets are suggesting.
The U.S. Government Is Preparing For An 18 Month Pandemic And “Critical Shortages”
(Michael Snyder) Are you prepared for the nationwide shutdown that is happening now to last for the next 18 months? You may not believe that such a thing will happen, but the federal government apparently does. A 100 page government plan marked “For Official Use Only // Not For Public Distribution or Release” was obtained by the New York Times, and it paints a very bleak picture of what is coming. If the projections in this document are anywhere close to accurate, large numbers of Americans will die, the U.S. economy will completely implode, and we will see widespread civil unrest. So let us pray that the assessments in this government plan turn out to be dead wrong.