(Zero Hedge) It looks like we finally have a cure for Ebola, according to Wired.
Are Globalists Faking a Global Ebola Pandemic to Demand Mandatory Vaccines for Everyone?
(Ethan Huff) We’ve all seen this scenario before: The mainstream media drums up fear over an alleged disease pandemic for the purpose of scaring the public into accepting some new vaccine as the “cure.” Well, it’s back again, this time with the ebola virus, which the powers that be are once again trying to use as a vehicle to push universal mandatory vaccination.
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COBRA: A New Planetary Situation Update – November 2, 2014: Chimera Group, Ebola Cure, Financial News
If you do not have any money to spare and you believe you have financial problems, this will put things into perspective for you: http://www.globalrichlist.com/wealth Ebola virus was engineered in laboratories in Africa and when it did not spread as the Cabal has hoped, due to intervention of the Light forces, they have hyped up […]
Benjamin Fulford – October 28th 2014: The battle for the planet earth is reaching a climax
Source – American Kabuki The views below, other than comments in red italics, are solely of Benjamin Fulford and those he represents. -AK by Benjamin Fulford October 28, 2014 The battle over the psychological process of deciding what humanity does in the future is reaching a climax. The most dramatic development is probably the fact that […]
Ebola Virus | Ebo-Lie: Man Living In Ghana Confirms Ebola Is A Hoax!
Thank you Virginia for sharing this with us! – Justin Source – Spirit Science and Metaphysics By Steven Bancarz| A statement made by a man in Ghana named Nana Kwame has rocked the internet in the last few days. The following information needs to reach people. We need to see Ebola for what it really is. It’s time […]
Benjamin Fulford – October 13th 2014 – Do top Western leaders work for hostile aliens or are they just evil?
Source – American Kabuki The views below are solely Benjamin Fulford’s. There’s a lot of data in this one but like with any post use your own inner discernment. This blog does not advocate killing anyone, Source is doing quite a nice job enforcing the energetic changeover from the current systems and is actively retiring many […]
Benjamin Fulford – September 22, 2014: Facing the mathematical certainty of defeat, the cabal is negotiating a surrender
Source – Hipknowsys Anybody who understands finance and geopolitics can now see clearly the Nazi/Zionist cabal faces the mathematical certainty of defeat. It is also very clear the United States is on the brink of revolution. That is why cabal representatives have begun negotiating surrender with the White Dragon Society and their allies. The surrender […]
Transpicuous News: Reading Between the Lines – Transpicuous News Show: episode 1- Ebola (Video)
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