(Justin Deschamps) Earlier this year, local and federal law enforcement conducted an active shooter drill nine months prior to the shooting that took place at a Synagogue in Pittsburgh PA this past weekend. False flag operations usually involve some kind of drill occurring on the same day an event takes place. Is this drill evidence of a premeditated attack on the part of the powers that be? Were they keeping this event in their back pocket, pulling it out at the most opportune time (just before the midterm elections)?
Feds Conducted Surprise ‘Active Shooter Training’ Two Weeks Before the October 1 Las Vegas Massacre
(Intellihub) Las Vegas Metro Police Department reportedly taken by surprised after federal agents conducted an active shooter training drill without any forewarning. Related: FBI Wipes Phones and Laptops of Las Vegas Massacre Eyewitnesses Source – SGTReport by Intellihub, January 10th, 2018 An unannounced federal-level ‘active shooter training’ drill was conducted several weeks before the Oct. 1 […]
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False Flag Imminent? | Operation Gotham Shield: U.S. Gov’t To “Simulate Nuke Blast Over Manhattan” As Actual War Nears
(Mac Slavo) False flag watch is now active. A general alert is out for something major in the near or immediate future. Hopefully, it is just another false alarm, instead of another false flag. Either way, danger is at hand. Related How to Recognize A False Flag Attack | 13 Important Elements To Look For […]