(Paul Joseph Watson) Many such cases.
Drag Queen
Democrat Lawmaker ‘Jokes’ About Mandatory ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ for All K-12 Students
(Jack Davis) A California state senator suggested making “drag queen story time” a public school requirement.
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EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Air Force Base Hosts Drag Queen Story Time
(Patrick Howley) What is going on?
GROOMER ALERT: School District Grants Funds To Middle School To Pay For Drag Queen Show
(Amber Crawford) A middle school in Bellingham, Washington will be hosting a “Drop-Dead Gorgeous Drag Show”, put on by the students in the Gender Sexuality Alliance Club.
WATCH: Nickelodeon Releases Video of Creepy Drag Queen Pushing the Black Power Fist and Trans Flag to Kids
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Nickelodeon facing backlash after releasing a video of a creepy drag queen singing about Pride in front of a trans-flag.
Gay Man in Drag Tells LGBT Supporters: ‘Keep Your Kids Out of Drag Queen Shows’
(Paul Joseph Watson) A trending video shows a gay man in drag telling other supporters of the LGBT movement to keep their children away from drag queen shows and gay clubs.
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Sick Video: Children Paraded On Stage At Late Night Drag Queen Show In California
(Jamie White) Shocking footage out of Los Angeles shows a drag queen tranny parading young children around on stage for cash.