(Justin Deschamps) In our world, many people suffer. The culture of victimhood asserts your suffering is not your fault; it’s because of the patriarchy, the economic system, biological limitations, karma (original sin), and so on. To be sure, there are many things that make life unnecessarily hard and cruel. But within your mind exists the key to your liberation, as was claimed by mystics and enlightened men and women of the past.
Learned Helplessness: A Psychological Anchor | Understanding Voluntary Slavery
(Justin Deschamps) The following article is a mainstream psychology piece discussing a well-known condition called learned helplessness. It is effectively what happens when a person’s will has been so fundamentally crippled that they no longer resist. Within the context of the human struggle for freedom, as waged against the powers that be, this condition is what I would call slave-training or think.