(Amber Wheeler-Dwight) What a year! 2020 has been unlike anything we could have anticipated. There is so much disinformation, soft disclosure, and deeper partial disclosures hitting the collective consciousness right now. The impact has been exponential each passing day; interpreting current events has become difficult for everyone. Finer details aside, there is a big picture to be looking at that helps us understand the underlying details more clearly. Everything is connected, but most of the things we find ourselves at odds about will work themselves out in the end of we can get to the core of the situation at play and stay focused.
3 Year Old Prediction is Coming True: Mass Arrests of Deep State Actors Might FINALLY Be Here
(Justin Deschamps) On October 7th, 2020, Trump posted the following Tweet, which suggests the long-awaited mass arrest of Deep State actors might finally be on the way.
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CLAIM: European Royals Allegedly Killing Children in Human Hunting Parties — 4 Eyewitnesses Testify
(Judy Byington) This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
Q, Looking Glass and the Ascension Timeline: Could this Pandemic be Leading us to “The Event”?
(Mickey Megistus) As the world watches, the coronavirus pandemic (“plan”demic) has completely changed life as we know it. Many are panicking. Some believe it’s part of the long-planned NWO take over. But for those brave enough to look past paranoia and fear, there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests the fall of the Cabal was predestined. Testimony from an ex-Navy Seal suggests that—despite their best efforts—the Deep State will be defeated. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. And now, more and more signs suggest the liberation of humanity is likely just around the corner.
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.II, Tom Hanx | WATCH NOW, Before It Gets Censored (Video)
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.II, Tom Hanx | WATCH NOW, Before It Gets Censored (Video)
The Battle for Control of Planet Earth: Satanic Criminals, the Bible, and Alice in Wonderland
(Roger W. Wicke) Eugene Wigner, who won the Nobel Prize for particle physics in 1963, stated that the two most influential books in his life were the Bible and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by novelist-mathematician Lewis Carroll. Wigner, a self-declared atheist, acknowledged that evolutionary biology is incapable of explaining the complexities of human consciousness, which include the ability to manifest multiple simultaneous realities even though these realities may produce irreconcilable outcomes — which equates to the human ability to choose between good and evil.
Trump Does The Unthinkable
(Liz Crokin) Liz wrote an article titled Trump Does The Unthinkable in 2016 because she was so disgusted at the lies the mainstream media & loud-mouthed celebrities were spreading about then presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Limited Hangout vs Full Disclosure of Reverse Engineered Alien Spacecraft
(Dr Michael Salla) Classified briefings given to staffers and officials from the U.S. Congress and Pentagon by Dr. Eric Davis on UFO/UAP reports have taken on great significance due to a July 23 New York Times story breaking the news that they were being briefed about “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”. In part one of this series, I discussed a 2019 interview with Dr. Davis, where he shared his knowledge of Special Access Programs, including a UFO crash retrieval project as providing the best insight into what he revealed in his classified briefings.
EXPLOSIVE: Documents Released in Epstein Case Last Night Contain Redactions – THAT CAN BE UNREDACTED WHEN COPYING TO NOTEPAD
(Justin Deschamps) One question: was this on purpose?
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CLAIM: Roswell UFO Crash to Be Officially Disclosed as Time-Traveling Future Humans
(Dr Michael Salla) On June 18, President Donald Trump replied to a question about the Roswell UFO crash from his son, Don Jr, in a podcast. Trump’s reply was that he would consider declassifying what occurred at the 1947 event that was “very interesting”. According to new information from Secret Space Program Insider Corey Goode, Trump was told that the Roswell UFO Crash involved time-traveling humans from the future.
Ex-CIA Man Says Trump Is At War With Elite Child Trafficking Rings & The Deep State
Warns of high-level politicians & bankers that made pedophilia a ‘big league thing’
UPDATED: Why Do Satanists Wear Red Shoes? And Why did Chrissy Teigen Allegedly Tweet About Anthony Weiner in 2011?
(Justin Deschamps) Based on the research I’ve done over the years related to the dark occult and symbols they employ, the following article discussing red shoe symbolism is worthy of consideration. Of course, when it comes to symbols like this, they can suggest a lot but they are not outright proofs of satanic affiliation. In other words, don’t make the radical mistake some people make by assuming anyone you see wearing red shoes is now a card-carrying member of the dark occult.
Government Contractor Briefs the D.O.D on “Off-World Vehicles Not Made on This Earth”
(Arjun Walia) What Happened:Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon UFO program since 2007, recently stated that, in some cases, the examination of the material retrieved from some UFOs has, according to the New York times, “failed to determine their source” which has led Davis to conclude that “We couldn’t make it ourselves.” The New York times went on to explain “Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corp, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency as recently as March about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
UFOs Are Real & They’re Here: We Didn’t Need the Pentagon to Confirm, but They Just Did
(Arjun Walia) UFO disclosure continues to rollout within the mainstream, and what was once highly ridiculed and deemed a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media, despite all of the evidence that’s been behind the phenomenon for decades, is now being confirmed. A little strange, isn’t it?
Geochronology — Hiding History in the Past Part 1 of the Anthropology Series on the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens | The Daniel Papers
One of the advantages of being a subcontractor for “black ops” projects is that you often overhear the strangest things—things that sound like science fiction or a good Halloween story, but you soon learn are very serious topics and you need to keep your mouth shut, until you are well away from the situation. And when you are poking around in history with the Phoenix III equipment, a lot of unexpected things turn up. And so is the case with the origins of man. Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright,1 hold on to your hats… because you were a lot closer than you realized.