This post goes right along with The Government MUST pay all your DEBTS! – History of your Exemption Account and Exemption Account is Public Law – Your debts are Pre-Paid and What Is The Accepted For Value – Process? Access the Strawman/Redemption Account. Also given this post US Treasury – A4V, Redemption Accounts, ‘Strawman Accounts’ are Fraud – But where’s […]
discharge debt
You OWN your Birth Certificate (Trust) but the Government has Title
This is another post by Stop the Pirates. The Data he puts forth helps me understand and put into context how the whole structure works. Whether one can access these accounts remains unclear, but the OPPT filings did secure $5 Billion. And ultimately your value is Infinite anyway! For more information on all this see these posts, The Government […]
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Federal Reserve System Explained – Understanding Bank Credit vs Money
I found a series of 12 wonderful videos with a simple, visual explanation of all the Key concepts behind the entire scheme of Currency, Credit, and how public vs private debts are managed with the Federal Reserve system. Lots of great Data here to expand our knowledge base. – Justin #1 Federal Reserve Explained […]
Exemption Account is Public Law – Your debts are Pre-Paid
Thank you Harriet from Facebook for pointing this out. This is yet more DATA Confirming, indeed the government MUST pay your DEBTs (or Discharge your debts via the Public Remedy because the government took away all other methods of paying debts). Yes this is true. The OPPT filings did secure $5 Billion for all BEings […]
The Government MUST pay all your DEBTS! – History of your Exemption Account
Key knowledge and understanding can be gained in this Post – literally a History of your Exemption Account 101. This is not a “how to” post, with specific documents for download and detailed procedural process. However there is so much foundational knowledge here, it would be very easy to make the leap to actually filing a UCC1 […]