(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following preamble to an update by Ken, and will include this in future posts as a disclaimer for his content. I am sharing this article from Ken of Redefining God—as always—for your consideration. He has many views and conclusions that are contrasted by those accepted by the awakening community. […]
Incredible Footage: Twin UFOs Witnessed & Recorded by Dozens in Vero Beach, FL (Video)
(Arjun Walia) Below is one video out of thousands floating around on the internet of supposed footage of unidentified flying objects. Keep in mind, many pictures and videos of these crafts have been published and analyzed thoroughly, so there is no shortage of verified footage and pictures. (More information on that can be found below the […]
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Why We Should All Have a Basic Income | Davos World Economic Forum 2017
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article originally appeared on the World Economic Forum. It is a call for a basic income for humanity, something that some consider a viable option to address the financial hardships felt by so many in the modern world. While meeting the basic needs of our human family members […]
Global Awakening | Mary Rodwell: The New Human, Star Children and the ET Connection — Different Types of Contact and Evidence of Visitation
Related “I Can Heal Water.” – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to “Wake Up!” by Mary Rodwell — with Commentary by Justin https://youtu.be/KZQLwbb4JGk Published on Jan 29, 2017 Mary Rodwell presents her pioneering research on the new human, star children and the ET connection @ Paradigm Shift Summit, Gold Coast 2016. http://www.paradigmshift.com.au Mary is […]
FBI ANON Returns to 4chan — Intel War Against Trump, Vault 7, Russia, Pedogate and more
(AusBitBank) The original FBIANON that gave a lot of good information months ago has returned. The information given in his last appearance, turned out to be legit and showed geniune inside knowledge of the Clinton investigation and a coup within the intelligence community. Related FBI Insider Answers Questions About Next Weeks Arrests Of Washington D.C. Politicians Involved […]
Rumor: Jeff Sessions to Authorize Arrests in Washington DC Pedo Ring
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) More rumors of mass arrests are spreading. But this isn’t the first time we’ve heard these things before. As such, exercise discernment and maintain a healthy sense of doubt. If things are happening, we should see signs as time goes on. – Justin Related BREAKING: Trump Signs Executive Orders Suggesting an Arrest of […]
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Busted — Crisis Actor Playing 2 Different Roles in Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following short video claims to have compiled two interviews of a woman, who by all accounts, appears to be a crisis actor on scene at the Fort Lauderdale shooting earlier this year. Other than the raw footage, there isn’t much to work with insofar as verifying the claim. If someone does […]
Clif High on David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Drake
(American Kabuki) This is a fascinating interview by Red Ice with Clif High on January 16th. He discusses at length his misgivings with the information coming from David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford and Drake. Many of the points he makes are very salient ones. Source – Deus Nexus by American Kabuki, January 18th, 2017 Clif’s take on […]
7 Unexplainable Discoveries’ That Have Been Made on Mars
Image Source. (Ivan) Do these 7 anomalous discoveries prove Mars was inhabited? We can all probably agree that Mars is one of the most fascinating planets –besides Earth– in our solar system. We have learned so much about the red planet that we changed our opinion about everything we previously thought about Mars. Researchers finally know […]
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Vladimir Putin: Pedophilia Is Essentially Satanic
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is a rather interesting piece about satanic ideologies of the past, and some commentary on statements made by Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to former satanist priest Mark Passio, Objective Morality is a term referring to the non-subjective nature of moral law. That is to say, what is right and wrong […]
It’s a Legitimate Scientific Hypothesis: Are We Living in a Giant Computer Game Simulation?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Elon Musk and others have proffered the notion that we are living in a computer simulation. It’s a theory that the technology saturated population of modern society is more readily able to accept than the antiquated notions of divinity, and the spiritual nature of reality. Yet, in examining the tenets […]
Mass Arrests Of The Cabal Have Begun, According To Two Sources
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the claims proffered below are accurate. As Prescott notes, the sources named did not provide evidence to support their claims. As such, interpret the data from a place of uncertainty and seek to confirm those assertions objectively. Subjective claims require objective evidence to confirm or substantiate. […]
Kent Dunn Working With Clifford Stone & NESARA NEWS Exposes The “Real Alien Universe”
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information, please send it to me. Be sure to review my commentary about Dunn’s updates after the videos below. – Justin https://youtu.be/5_FvCalTh_o Confirmation of Boom in […]
Gaia is Ascending: 2nd Wave of Energy and Another Expected
(Alexa Person) Energy from an unknown source hit the Earth December 19, 2016. Massive waves of anomalous energy were recorded by the MIMIC Satellite; a satellite that detects rainfall by using microwave detectors pointed toward the Earth. Is this energy a precursor to Ascension? Related Energy Waves Hitting Earth, NOW? (Microwave Detection) | 12/19/2016 — Large wave […]
Kent Dunn: Chimera E.T.s In Brazil and Africa, Washington D.C. Nuke Defused, Russian Plane, RV/GCR, Obama Clones & More
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information, please send it to me. This is yet another update by Dunn that seems to pull from other data sources, such as Cobra, Corey Goode, […]