(Mia Cathell) A body-positivity activist has claimed that diet, exercise, and general promoting of healthy lifestyles are all examples of “conversation therapy” for fat people.
Does Science Support the Blood Type Diet?
(Ocean Robbins) In the 17th century, the European medical world was abuzz with the possibility that blood could be transfused from one organism to another. The British had done some dog-to-dog transfusions, and their archrivals, the French, decided to up the ante by transfusing lambs’ blood into human beings. The court physician to King Louis XIV, an ambitious experimenter named Jean-Baptiste Denis, tried in 1668 to cure an infamous Paris “madman” by giving him serial transfusions. When the second procedure proved fatal, with the subject shaking in a violent fit and dying the next day, Denis was arrested. After a trial and inquiry, the practice of transfusion — even human to human — was prohibited, and it remained a rare occurrence for the next 150 years.
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On a Special Diet? Here’s What to Eat When the Supply Chain Breaks
(Joanna Miller) Many people adhere to special diets these days for various reasons. But, what is there to eat when the supply chain breaks? With the global supply chain in place for decades now, residents of first-world countries have had access to just about everything. Many people live in dry, windy Colorado and eat a gluten-free diet involving lots of nut and rice flours. Lots of people can be vegan and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables in any major city. You can even live in cold Minnesota and eat a keto diet full of avocados and coconut oil.
Small Changes in Diet Could Help You Live Healthier and More Sustainably
(Neuroscience News) Eating a hot dog could cost you 36 minutes of healthy life, while choosing to eat a serving of nuts instead could help you gain 26 minutes of extra healthy life, according to a University of Michigan study.
A Fermented-Food Diet Increases Microbiome Diversity and Lowers Inflammation
(Neuroscience News) A diet rich in fermented foods, such as yogurt and kimchi, can help to improve gut microbiome diversity and reduce symptoms of chronic inflammation, a new study reports.
Study Explains How Diet, Exercise and the Endocannabinoid System Contribute to Healthy Aging
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) Researchers define the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) as a complex cell-signaling system that plays an important role in the development of the central nervous system (CNS), synaptic plasticity — a characteristic of neurons in the brain — and the body’s response to internal and external insults or stressors.
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Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here Are Common Signs and Symptoms
(Divina Ramirez) Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in more than 300 chemical reactions in the human body. For instance, muscles need magnesium to properly contract. Nerves also use magnesium to send and receive signals. Magnesium keeps the heart beating steadily and strengthens immunity.
Healthy Habits: 6 Reasons to Drink More Lemon Water
(Joven Gray) Sugary drinks have become a standard part of the diet of many Americans. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 2011 and 2014, six in 10 American youth and five in 10 American adults drank a sugar-sweetened beverage on any given day. Unfortunately, studies have linked the frequent consumption of sweetened beverages to serious conditions like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, non-alcoholic liver disease and obesity.
Fat-soluble vitamins: What are the best dietary sources of vitamins A, D, E and K?
(Ramon Tomey) Vitamins are nutrients found in food that help the body function effectively. Two types of vitamins exist: Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B and C, dissolve in water, while fat-soluble ones dissolve in fat. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and K, are best absorbed by the body when eaten with foods containing high amounts of fat.
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3 Herbs To Heal Your Gut (And Recipes!)
(Nick Polizzi) Did you know that there are more neurons in your Enteric Nervous System (Gut Brain) as there are in your spinal cord?
Sugary Drinks and Disease: Chugging 2 Sodas per Day Increases Your Risk of Premature Death
(Divina Ramirez) The added sugar in soda makes it one of the unhealthiest drinks in the world. On top of raising blood sugar and contributing to abdominal fat, European researchers found that soda can also lead to an earlier death.
Anti-Mosquito Diets: 3 Foods to Eat to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay
(Arsenio Toledo) Mosquitoes are difficult to get rid of. You can use insect repellents, but commercially available ones are filled with chemicals that are harmful for your overall well-being. You can also try using essential oils which, when diffused into your room, can deter mosquitoes.
Study: Daily Avocado Consumption Improves Mental Focus for Overweight Individuals
(Natural Blaze) A diet including daily avocado consumption improves the ability to focus attention in adults whose measurements of height and weight are categorized as overweight or obese, a new randomized control trial found.
Humans Are Not Designed To Eat Meat – Leading Microbiome Scientist Explains
(Arjun Walia) There are many experts in the fields of anthropology, biology and all other sciences who have been creating awareness about the fact that ancient humans were not big meat eaters as they’ve been portrayed to be by mainstream education.
Food for Your Feelings: Manage and Even Reverse Depression With Diet
(Zoey Sky) Following a balanced diet keeps your body healthy and helps prevent diseases. But according to a nutritionist, eating a plant-based diet is also one of the best ways to boost your mood and reverse depression.