Former Deutsche Bank AG traders Cedric Chanu and James Vorley were convicted for manipulating gold and silver prices on Friday after three days of deliberation by a Federal jury in Chicago.
deutsche bank
Senior Ex-Deutsche Bank Exec Linked To Millions In Donald Trump Loans Commits Suicide
(Zero Hedge) During the past few years we extensively covered a bizarre surge in banker suicides, pointing out the various conspiracy theories linking various high-level bank executives and inside scandals at the very highest levels across financial institutions, and no bank had more high profile suicides than Deutsche Bank.
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Deutsche Bank Flagged Jeffrey Epstein Overseas Transactions For Suspected Sex-Trafficking
(Zero Hedge) Deutsche Bank uncovered suspicious transactions in which Jeffrey Epstein moved money out of the United States, according to the New York Times.
Banking Collapse: A Bank With 49 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives Is Melting Down Right In Front Of Our Eyes
(Michael Snyder) Could it be possible that we are on the verge of the next “Lehman Brothers moment”? Deutsche Bank is the most important bank in all of Europe, it has 49 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives, and most of the largest “too big to fail banks” in the United States have very deep financial connections to the bank.
Deutsche Bank’s Frankfurt Headquarters Was Just Raided by 170 Police Officers. Here’s What They Were Looking For
(Bloomberg) German authorities descended on Deutsche Bank AG, including its downtown Frankfurt headquarters, in a coordinated raid related to a money-laundering investigation.
Bank Admits Fiat Currencies Are Failing and Cryptocurrencies May Replace Them
(Shaun Bradley) As the transition towards a blockchain-based economy continues, the established financial powers are desperately trying to stay relevant. In an attempt to boost their credibility, analysts at Deutsche Bank are finally admitting that State-run fiat currencies are becoming obsolete. For years, blockchain entrepreneurs and other critics of central banking have been branded either conspiracy theorists or criminals. But […]
Deutsche Bank Trader Just Admitted Guilt: Megabanks Conspired to Rig Markets
(Tyler Durden) After months of “smoking guns” and conspiracy theory dismissals, a Singapore-based Deutsche Bank trader (at the center of fraud allegations) finally confirmed (by admitting guilt) what many have suspected – the biggest banks in the world have conspired to rig precious metals markets. Related 5 Major Banks (The Cartel) Plead Guilty To Market […]
Hidden Finance: Banker Deaths, Bond Manipulation, Rate Rigging, and Deutsche Bank Fraud
(Dr. Joseph P. Farrell) Yesterday I began this two part blog by noting an important article that appeared in Bloomberg Business Weekly, authored by Vernon Silver and Elissa Martinuzzi, concerning how Deutsche Bank made billions disappear from its books. At the end of that blog, I noted the banker deaths that mysteriously surrounded the Deutsche Bank […]
Western Banks Crumble while Yuan Joins the IMF SDR Basket
Source – Geopolitics by Staff Writer, October 3rd 2016 The gradual Global Reset continues with the official inclusion of the Chinese Yuan (RMB) as prime alternative to the US dollar as global currency of exchange which should provide a smooth transition away from fiat dollar. While this SDR inclusion was preannounced months ago, still the […]
Rothschild Doubles Down on Gold as Banking Collapse Begins, Germans Told to Stockpile Food/Water
Source – The Free Thought Project by Jay Syrmopoulos, September 30th 2016 Berlin, Germany – The most prominent bank in Germany is at risk of imminent collapse, with potentially profound effects for the EU, the United States and the rest of the world. The prospect of a cataclysmic global banking collapse of this nature has […]
Run on Banks Begins — Deutsche Bank Clients Begin Withdrawing Excess Cash
Source – The Free Thought Project by Matt Agorist, September 30th 2016 As The Free Thought Project reported Thursday, the most prominent bank in Germany is at risk of failure, with potentially profound effects for the EU, the United States and likely the rest of the world. This risk of failure has now gotten so […]
Deutsche Bank Is Going Under: The Real Reason Germans Were Told To Prepare For A National Crisis?
Source – The Event Chronicle by Daisy Luther, September 26th 2016 There is a very real possibility that Deutsche Bank is going down. If the most prominent bank in Germany fails, the effect on Europe will be profound, and I don’t think the United States will escape the effects. The ripples will turn into a […]
A Stunning Admission From Deutsche Bank Why A Shock Is Needed To Collapse The Market, And Force A Real Panic
Source – The Event Chronicle by Tyler Durden, August 14th 2016 In what may be some of the best, and most lucid, writing on everyone’s favorite topic, namely “what happens next” in the evolution of the financial system, Deutsche Bank’s Dominic Konstam, takes a look at the current dead-end monetary situation, and concludes that in order […]