(News Editors) Regime media on Monday uniformly tried to spin the mass surrender of hundreds of Azov Battalion fighters and other Ukrainian soldiers holed up in Mariupol’s Azovstal steel factory as anything but a surrender.
Hunter Biden’s Investment Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers To “Isolate Deadly Pathogens” Using Money From Obama’s Defense Department
(Ethan Huff) An investment firm headed up by fake “president” Joe Biden’s son Hunter was a leading financial backer of a plandemic tracking and response company that was identifying and isolating deadly pathogens at bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine.
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US-Funded Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine Were Tampering With Bat Coronaviruses
(Ethan Huff) What if we told you that the United States government spent hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars building biological weapons facilities in Ukraine, and that some of the “research” taking place at them involved bat coronaviruses?
Attorney Presents Evidence to Congress That COVID-19 Vaccines Are One of the Greatest Frauds in History
(Cassie B.) Attorney Thomas Renz, who publicized data from the Department of Defense showing a significant rise in serious illness and injury in military personnel following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, has issued a special legal notice with nearly 200 pages of supporting evidence.
WHO, Which Was Complicit in China’s COVID Spread, Tells Ukraine To Destroy “High-Threat Pathogens” in Labs To Prevent Disease Outbreak
(JD Heyes) As astute observers of U.S. politics are keenly aware, whenever the deep state denies an accusation, the accusation is almost always 100 percent true, and that seems to be the case involving the existence of U.S. government-funded bioweapons labs in the very corrupt country of Ukraine.
Dr. Robert Malone Calls for Immediate End to Biden’s National Emergency
(Roy Green) President Joe Biden’s extension of the national emergency due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic runs counter to the prevailing situation and stinks of a hidden agenda.
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Admits Pfizer’s Antiviral Drug Paxlovid Causes Life-Threatening Reactions When Taken With Common Medicines
(Matthew Davis) The antiviral oral drug, paxlovid, that was developed by Pfizer to treat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause severe or life-threatening effects when used with common medications. The pill is also not recommended for people with severe kidney or liver disease.
Dr. Robert Malone Says He’s Been “Multi-Dimensionally Red-Pilled” on COVID, Great Reset, Big Tech Censorship and More
(Ethan Huff) Ever since getting banned from Twitter, Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., the inventor of mRNA (messenger RNA) technology, has been on a journey of truth discovery that he describes as being “multi-dimensionally red-pilled.”
Democrats’ New Ploy: Run Pretend Republicans in Political Races, Lie to the Voters, Get Elected, Then Unleash Left-Wing Tyranny
(JD Heyes) As Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ poll numbers sink to pathetically low levels and Democrats face a red-wave wash-out during next year’s midterm elections, the party has got to get creative in order to continue to win elections and stay relevant.
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CRIMINAL DRUG CARTEL: FDA Refuses to Release Pfizer Covid Jab Data Until the Year 2076
(Ethan Huff) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked a federal judge to make the public wait another 55 years before requiring Pfizer to release all the data and information it used to grant “emergency use authorization” (EUA) to Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.”
DELUSIONAL: Pfizer CEO Thinks His Company Has Done More “Good to Humanity” Than Any Other Company in History
(Arsenio Toledo) Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla claims that his company has “done so much good to humanity” that no other in the history of the world compares. Bourla makes this statement during an interview with liberal commentator and television host George Stephanopoulos in “This Week” on ABC.
YouTube Blacklists R. Kelly Days After He Threatened To Expose Hollywood Pedophile Ring
(News Editors) YouTube quietly blacklisted R. Kelly on Tuesday, just days after the singer vowed to expose a Hollywood pedophile ring as part of a sentencing deal with prosecutors.
Now 27 States Are Fighting Biden’s Aggressive Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate
(Cassie B.) When President Joe Biden issued his ill-advised executive order mandating vaccines for much of the nation’s workforce, the immediate response in many corners was shock and outrage. Even those who believe in the virtues of COVID-19 vaccines expressed concerns that the move was a serious threat to Americans’ health freedom. And now, more than half of American states are fighting back.
True Conspiracy: More Than 96% of Lancet “Scientists” Who Denied Covid Lab Origin Theory Have Direct Ties to Wuhan
(Ethan Huff) As you may recall from the early days of the plandemic, 27 “scientists” penned a letter published in The Lancet that claimed the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) did not originate in a Wuhan laboratory. Well, it turns out that 26 of these scientists have direct ties to the Chinese lab in question, making their claims entirely untrustworthy.
Zach Vorhies Reveals Google’s Plan to ENSLAVE Humanity
(Ramon Tomey) Former Google senior engineer turned whistleblower Zach Vorhies exposed Google’s plan to enslave humanity in favor of artificial intelligence. He told the Health Ranger Mike Adams of this plan when he appeared in an episode of the Health Ranger Report on BrighteonTV. Vorhies added that Google is indeed complicit in a plot to bring down America.