(News Editors) Report after report makes it clear that the vaccine is extremely dangerous for pregnant women. Yet, the FDA and CDC don’t care one ounce or 8 ounces for that matter. Watch the video for more.
Dangerous Medicine
Girls Are Developing GENITAL ULCERS After Getting the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
(Arsenio Toledo) Young girls, some as young as five years old, are developing genital ulcers due to Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccine.
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Attorney Presents Evidence to Congress That COVID-19 Vaccines Are One of the Greatest Frauds in History
(Cassie B.) Attorney Thomas Renz, who publicized data from the Department of Defense showing a significant rise in serious illness and injury in military personnel following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021, has issued a special legal notice with nearly 200 pages of supporting evidence.
Evil: Western Australia Bans the Unvaccinated from Visiting Their Own Children in the Hospital
(Ethan Huff) Mark McGowan, the premiere of Western Australia, is upping the ante once again with his endless stream of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny.
Embalmer Reports Finding Long, Fibrous Blood Clots in Deceased People Who Got COVID-19 Vaccine
(JD Heyes) An embalmer with decades of experience said in a recent interview that for more than a year he has found “long, fibrous blood clots” in the bodies of some deceased people who got a COVID-19 vaccine.
Toronto Man Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine KILLED His Healthy, Athletic 17-Year-Old Son
(Arsenio Toledo) A man testified to the Toronto City Council that he believes his 17-year-old son was killed because he was forced to take the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.
COVID-19 Vaccine Spike Proteins Are SHEDDING, Giving People Heart Attacks, Strokes and More
(Arsenio Toledo) The spike proteins injected into people with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine can be shed. The shedding can severely affect the people around the vaccinated person and cause severe health complications such as heart attack.
Investigation Proves Pfizer Vaccine Offers Less Than 1% Protection Against COVID-19
(Arsenio Toledo) An investigation by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) has found that Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine only has an efficacy rate of 0.84 percent. They added that Pfizer’s vaccine has done “more harm than good.”
Admits Pfizer’s Antiviral Drug Paxlovid Causes Life-Threatening Reactions When Taken With Common Medicines
(Matthew Davis) The antiviral oral drug, paxlovid, that was developed by Pfizer to treat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause severe or life-threatening effects when used with common medications. The pill is also not recommended for people with severe kidney or liver disease.
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Risk of Heart Inflammation Is Higher From Moderna Vaccine Than From COVID-19 Among People Under 40
(Cassie B.) When people express concerns about the risk of heart inflammation from COVID-19 vaccines, the prevailing media narrative tends to be that it is also possible to develop heart problems from a COVID infection. Although this may be true, a new study shows that the risk of developing heart inflammation from Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in particular in those who are younger than 40 is actually higher than their chances of developing it because of the virus.
SHOCKER: COVID-19 Vaccines Have Killed Nearly Twice As Many Children As the Virus Itself
(Cassie B.) For parents who are debating whether or not to get their kids vaccinated against COVID-19, one analysis of publicly available data reached a disturbing conclusion: The jabs may be killing twice as many children as the virus itself.
Booster Syndrome: Natural Doctor Blows Whistle on Covid Vaccines Lowering White Blood Cells More and More with Each Shot, Turning Vaccinated People into Aids-like Patients
(S.D. Wells) An anonymous natural health doctor with 1600 patients, many of whom are vaccinated for Covid, has gathered information from her own clients, other physicians, nurses, immunization specialists and virology doctors. Her analysis from all of this gathered information and data regards the first two doses of the Covid vaccine and the booster shots.
The Killing Fields: Dozens of Athletes Now Confirmed to Have Dropped Dead from Covid “Vaccines”
(Ethan Huff) Professional athletes all around the world are dropping dead from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” and the mainstream media is doing everything in its power to hide this fact from the public.
What’s Killing Them? In the past 18 Months, England and Wales Report 65,000 Excess Deaths Not Related to Coronavirus Infections
(Lance D Johnson) According to the Office of National Statistics for England and Wales, there have been at least 74,745 excess deaths over the past eighteen months. This excess death toll is 37 percent above the five-year average, and reveals the tragic consequences of shutdowns and forced medical experimentation via vaccines. These excess deaths occurred in private homes and were generally unrelated to coronavirus infection. In fact, only 12 percent of the excess deaths involved any symptom associated with covid-19.
New Study Shows Vaccines Have Plunged From 88% Effectiveness Against COVID Infections to Just 13% in Mere Months
(Lance D Johnson) A new study published in Science finds that real-world vaccine effectiveness against covid-19 has plunged from 88 percent to just 13 percent in mere months. The study, “SARS-CoV-2 vaccine protection and deaths among US veterans during 2021” shows that vaccine efficacy studies are fraudulent and do not convey real world results. A whistleblower who worked on the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine studies even confessed to data integrity issues in the British Medical Journal.