Source So it all started last night (in my time zone) when a friend on skype sent me a link to Dutchsinse’s latest video and told me that “He’s saying OPPT is following Aleister Crowley!!”…. well I just HAD to go listen to the report….. especially since I’m pretty sure Heather doesn’t even know who […]
D breaking the silence
Banks are stockpiling cash ahead of anticipated financial panic & These New $100 Bills Are Going to Be Huge Overseas
2 articles in this post. Banks are stockpiling cash ahead of anticipated financial panic Source (NaturalNews) As the government shutdown grinds on with no end in sight, as President Obama continues to vow not to negotiate with House Republicans over raising the debt ceiling limit and funding Obamacare, many of the nation’s biggest banks are […]
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American Kabuki: D. Interviews Caleb Skinner about Project XIII for the PC and Mac Desktop
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I-UV: Positive Energy Questions Discussion… All of it Moves All of US Forward
Source Last evening August 29, 2013 there was a conversation in the RTS Skype room. Early this morning (I am PDT, time zone) D read through the conversation that had taken place when she was sleeping and quoting parts of the conversation joined in with her thoughts. Below is that part of the conversation from […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: UPDATED: D’s Update & a Relavant Response from Alexander
Source Sunday, 18 August 2013 Since my original posting, D has responded to Alexander’s comments/questions below. ~BK Aug 17th Update: Butterflys and Butt kicking- it’s your move dudes Posted by D. at Removing the Shackles This has been an INCREDIBLE week and yesterday was incredibly intense! Anyone with even the sensitivity of a tomato felt the shifting […]
RTS: Aug 17th Update: Butterflys and Butt kicking- it’s your move dudes
Source This has been an INCREDIBLE week and yesterday was incredibly intense! Anyone with even the sensitivity of a tomato felt the shifting of the energy. Chat rooms, Skype rooms, websites, articles, radio shows….. are exploding with the vibration of change. Not just “Change” but a true metamorphosis, like the caterpillar into a butterfly. With […]
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RTS: Missing Money
What a wonderful visual demonstrating how broken the ‘System’ actually is. Source – Justin I really love it when people put together these visual messages- nothing gets the point across like a picture …It’s like going to the grocery store and by the time you get home, 8 of the 9 bags of groceries you’ve […]
RTS: Looky Looky what HSBC owns!!!
There are a lot of connections behind the scenes between major banking and international alleged “sovereign” nations. Remember since 1933 and the bankruptcy of all nations, we have had no lawful money and I am sure the connections detailed in D’s post are data points that reveal the hidden side of the world economy. I personally think […]