(Justin Deschamps) Are there unfair advantages depending on gender, race, economic status, and religious affiliation? Yes. Equality of opportunity is a value that most recognize as a good thing, helping to neutralize unfair situations in society. However, setting up the system so some people have more resources than others arguably hinders equality of opportunity. The new feminist monopoly game gives female players more starting money and rewards than male players. What message does this send young women in an already arguably unfair world?
Deep State is Now Pushing Satanism: Huff Post: “Satan Is Having A Moment”
(Justin Deschamps) The Deep State, according to several insiders, whistleblowers, and respected researchers, practice dark Luciferianism, also known as Satanism. Part of their long term agenda is to eventually come out in the open with this dark and sadistic practice, recruiting the masses into the faith en mass. In order to do that, they need to “sell” satanism to the public. They need to make it hip, cool, and fun. How do they do this? Many different ways, such as in the Netflix series Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, which is filled with rather obvious glorifications of satanic ideology.
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Divination, Synchronicity, and Gypsy Fortune Tellers
(Atlantean Gardens) The Roma people have historically been associated with fortune telling, common methods including palmistry, coffee or tea-leaf reading, crystal balls and tarot card reading among others. While the tarot was used by Romani people when telling fortunes, it was also used as a Jungian psychological apparatus capable of tapping into “absolute knowledge in the unconscious”. Cartomancy is fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards.
What America Has Done To Its Young People Is Appalling
(James Ostrowski) Critics are perhaps too quick to judge America’s young people, citing declining SAT scores, obesity, drug overdoses, addiction to smart phones, bizarre alterations of personal appearance and high rates of (alleged) mental illness.
Justin Deschamps — Human Instincts & the Role of Biology in Spirituality | Dauntless Dialogue
Justin Deschamps — Human Instincts & the Role of Biology in Spirituality | Dauntless Dialogue
An Introduction to Peaceful Parenting — Tilling the Soil for A Better World
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) As someone keenly interested in solving the world’s problems, I began studying psychology with greater enthusiasm and focus several years ago. Since beginning that research project, what I have uncovered about the human condition, how it forms, and what factors are the most influential, the childhood experience is one of the […]
The Cabal Assault on Beauty and Self-Worth — Bras Make Breasts Sag, 15-Year Study Concludes
(Sarah Glynn) Wearing a bra does more harm than good – it does nothing to reduce back pain and weakens the muscles that hold up the breasts, resulting in greater breast sagging, Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sports science expert from the University of Besançon, France, reported after a 15-year study.
Their Population Control Agenda Is Working – The Birth Rate In the United States Has Fallen To Another All-Time Record Low
(Michael Snyder) The elite have worked very hard to slow down birth rates all over the world, and their efforts appear to be working. Just as we have witnessed in so many other countries, the birth rate in the United States continues to fall. In fact, it just plunged to yet another new all-time record low.
Indigenous People Invented the American Dream — Columbus Colonized It
(The Conversation) When President Barack Obama created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the 2012 program that offered undocumented young people brought to the U.S. as children a path into society, for a moment the ideals of the American Dream seemed, at least for this group, real.
What We Can Learn From Advanced ET Civilizations (Part 2: Work Is Bliss)
(Richard Enos) As we discussed in Part 1, the fundamental thing that distinguishes us as human beings at our current evolutionary stage from most of the more advanced ET civilizations is that they know that they are all one, whereas our population is widely variant in our embodied awareness of this. Further, most of those who are currently in positions of power on our planet are among the most disconnected and alienated from humanity as a collective.
“Teen Culture” is the New Imperialism, and it is Destroying the World
(David Nova) Children can be remarkably perceptive of their environment, free from the decades of social conditioning that adults suffer from. If you want the truth, ask a child.