(Cassandra Fairbanks) A Massachusetts woman has been arrested after attacking a 73-year-old Vietnam veteran while he was holding a “Veterans for Trump” sign at an intersection in Douglas with his wife.
REPORT: Bill Barr’s ‘Unmasking’ Probe Into Obama Officials Concludes without Charges
(Cristina Laila) The US Attorney tapped by Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate “unmasking” done by Obama’s criminal officials around the 2016 has concluded the probe without bringing any charges, according to the Washington Post.
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Arrests After Election
(Sierra (NZ)) Yesterday President Trump said in his Florida rally, ‘We’ll take care of it all after the election. We caught ’em cold…’
Trump Slams Michigan Governor After She Blamed HIM For Plot To Kidnap Her
(Steve Watson) President Trump hit out at Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer late Thursday, after she blamed him over a plot to kidnap her, despite the fact that the Feds and the DOJ foiled the plot.
The Upside-Down World of the Woke
(William Sullivan) After a grand jury decision yielded no indictments for murder against the officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s death, social justice warriors sprang into action. Strategically placed U-Haul vehicles, full of protest signs and riot shields, were located by the rioters after the decision was announced. Like so many other American cities in 2020, the city of Louisville was beset by arson, thievery, and violence at the hands of woke mobs, AKA Democratic Party voters.
Seth Rich: The Murder Washington Doesn’t Want Solved
(Jack Cashill) On the face of things, the July 2016 murder of Seth Rich had intrigue enough for a full season of House of Cards.
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POTUS: ‘Full Declassification – No Redactions’
(Sierra (NZ)) President Trump has authorised the FULL declassifica_tion of documents related to ‘the Russia Hoax’. He is also declassifying documents related to the Hilla_ry Clinto_n ’email scandal’ (i.e. crimes against humanity). And the most important words? NO REDACTIONS. It is a FULL declassifica_tion, nothing held back.
And We Know — October 2nd 2020: TEN days of DARKNESS/Quarantine? RED OCTOBER! (Video)
And We Know — October 2nd 2020: TEN days of DARKNESS/Quarantine? RED OCTOBER! (Video)
Justinformed Talk: Did We Catch Them In All Their Lies??? (Video)
Justinformed Talk: Did We Catch Them In All Their Lies??? (Video)
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The Man Arrested in Ambush Shooting of Two LA Deputies is Taller than the Shooter in the Video
(Joe Hoft) The man arrested for shooting two LA police officers in September may not be the right guy. Either that or his arrest record is incorrect.
And We Know — 9.30.20: Evil/Cheating Exposed During Debate! Potus Crushes the Enemy (Video)
And We Know — 9.30.20: Evil/Cheating Exposed During Debate! Potus Crushes the Enemy (Video)
Justinformed Talk: Are We about to See the Whole Corrupt System Fall? (Video)
Justinformed Talk: Are We about to See the Whole Corrupt System Fall? (Video)
And We Know — PERFECT Moves Create ULTIMATE [DS] FEAR! WINNING! (Video)
And We Know — PERFECT Moves Create ULTIMATE [DS] FEAR! WINNING! (Video)
And We Know — September 26th 2020: “Never Bring an @rrow [in a Quiver] to a LOSBR Miss#le Fight!” (Video)
And We Know — September 26th 2020: Never Bring an @rrow [in a Quiver] to a Losbr Miss#le Fight! (Video)
Former USAF Intel Asset on Project Looking Glass, Hussein/Clinton Feud, & Much More
Former USAF Intel Asset on Project Looking Glass, Hussein/Clinton Feud, & Much More