Creator-Based Science vs Materialism: Intelligent Design is NOT Creationism | Science, Philosophy, Theology Discussion
Deep State Religion Exposed: Do You Realize You’re Being Initiated Into the Dark Occult?
(Justin Deschamps) Are we being recruited into a dark occult religion? Are our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about life our own? According to several respected researchers, the powers that be who run the so-called Deep State, also known as the Illuminati, are recruiting the average person into their dark and twisted religion, completely unbeknownst to the people. For most, this sounds insane, just another wild conspiracy theory. But if one honestly investigates this question, a disturbing truth quickly presents itself. Why would the elite want to do this? And what methods are they using?
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Blueprint for a Better World Through Understanding ET Contact and Culture (Law, Trust, Rights, Civilizations, and Golden-Age Societies) by Justin Deschamps
Justin Deschamps analyzed dozens of contact experiences and extraterrestrial information looking for a blueprint that can be used to understand what we can do to realize an enlightened society. He draws from works like the Law of One, Urantia Book, ET contactee testimony, mainstream history, science, philosophy and more, synthesizing and distilling these works for their most essential components.
The Seven Great Hermetic Principles – The Teachings of Thoth
(Vlad) Hermes also known as Thoth, lived in Atlantis and Egypt for over two thousand years. He was known at the time he lived throughout the world, as the Master of the Masters.
Dr. Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Telos, Responsibility and Cultivation (Video)
by Conscious Optimist, How do you know that a given idea, or movement, is a psychological operation, or a false campaign of some kind? How do you know wisdom when it presents itself? How does one proactively defend oneself against folly when it presents itself as wisdom? As many of us know, disinformation works because […]
Study Shows We Are Born Creative Geniuses But The ‘Education’ System Dumbs Us Down
(Gavin Nascimento) I remember listening to a talk by Sir Ken Robinson several years ago; about how backwards the education system is, and the imperative to implement major reform. Although he certainly gave an exceptional presentation on the matter, what ultimately captured my mind was the mention of what I now consider the most important study I have […]
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The Myth of the Noble Savage — Religion, Morality, Psychology, Utopia, Communism, Marxism, Nature, and more (Video) Are we better in a state of nature, before authority brings down the hammer on “misbehavior”? Do you ever yearn for a simple life, deep in the woods, free of social constraints? What do you think would happen to us all in the absence of the rule of law? Would we learn to cooperate, […]
Christ Consciousness: The Reason Why We All Have The Same Capabilities as Jesus
(Kalee Brown) Religion tends to encourage hierarchy and praise. Christians, for example, look up to priests and they pray to Jesus Christ and God. Now, don’t get me wrong — prayer can be a wonderful tool for further connecting with ourselves, and it can provide us with comfort and guidance. However, seeking answers outside the Self […]