(Zero Hedge) Epstein’s own defense team doesn’t buy the suicide narrative, apparently, as one of his lawyers on Tuesday voiced deep skepticism that he hanged himself while addressing a final hearing in a Manhattan US District Court on Tuesday, which was held to formally dismiss the charges as is typical when the accused is deceased, but also to still allow testimony of some of the victims.
cover up
Epstein Prison Guards “Not Cooperating” With DOJ Probe
(Zero Hedge) Employees at the Manhattan Metropolitan Correctional Center where convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein reportedly took his own life last week are not cooperating with the Justice Department investigators according to Fox News.
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JFK, MLK, OJ Simpson, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Nazi Dr Josef Mengele and Now Epstein — Another Controversial Case for ‘Celebrity Pathologist’
(Justin Deschamps) The following Washington Post article attempts to debunk the suspicion drawn by many that Michael Baden, the medical examiner who oversaw the Epstein autopsy, is likely a Deep State operative, used in high-level murder cover-ups.
Deep State PANICKING: Mainstream Media Escalates Attacks On Epstein “Conspiracy Theories”
(Kit Knightly) In two different opinion pieces The Guardian has made its position on the alleged death of Jeffrey Epstein clear – he “probably” committed suicide.
Epstein, Evidence of Murder: Epstein Had Broken Bones In Neck, Journalist Warned To Drop Story… WHATS HAPPENING??!
Epstein, Evidence of Murder: Epstein Had Broken Bones In Neck, Journalist Warned To Drop Story… WHATS HAPPENING??!
Epstein Autopsy Finds Evidence He May Have Been Murdered
(Zero Hedge) As the public carries on with the great debate about what really happened (or didn’t happen) to Jeffrey Epstein early Saturday morning in the hours before he was found dead in his cell at MCC in an apparent suicide, the Washington Post has unleashed a bombshell.
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Who Protected Epstein For Decades, And Why?
(Charles Hugh Smith) Or perhaps “Epstein was an intelligence asset” is just a tissue-thin cover for a much more destructive reality: those at the top of the American state have no moral compass at all.
Guards Were Sleeping During Epstein’s Alleged Suicide, Then Falsified Records To Cover It Up
(Zero Hedge) In the latest blockbuster report about how the chronic understaffing and mandatory overtime at MCC helped contribute to Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide” (or at least that’s the official narrative that certain parties are trying to push), the New York Times reported on Wednesday that the two guards tasked with monitoring Epstein’s unit were asleep when the pedophile-financier tied a bedsheet around his neck and the other end to a top bunk, before pitching himself forward.
Here’s What Happened When a Journalist Exposed a Pedo Sex Ring in Mexico
(Kurt Nimmo) On July 23, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called for Mexican authorities to protect investigative reporter Lydia Cacho Ribeiro.
FBI Labels Q Anon and Pizzagate Researchers as “Domestic Extremism”
(Justin Deschamps) In a May 30th, 2019 FBI report, the bureau stated that “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists” are a growing threat. This comes at the heels of major moves by Big Tech to censor anything it labels “conspiracy theory,” such as anti-abortion videos on YouTube. Given the fact that the Pizzagate and QAnon material has yet to be properly investigated, this move by the FBI is likely an attempt to downplay the significance of government corruption in preparation for the 2020 US presidential race.
Retired Army Officer: NASA Covered Up Apollo 11 UFO Encounter By Deleting Photos
(Inigo Monzon) Several conspiracy theorists including a U.S. Army officer who served for NATO have openly blamed NASA for covering up the UFOs encountered by astronauts from the Apollo 11 Moon mission. According to them, the space agency allegedly destroyed evidence of the encounter by deleting tapes from the event.
Insiders and Whistleblowers Reveal Alien Races on Earth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY2tE-JWwgs Related Soft Disclosure: Silicon Valley Would like to Reverse Engineer a UFO Buy Book Everything You Know Is Wrong, Book One: Human Origins Buy Book Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations: The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts Buy Book Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon: How World Governments Have Conspired to Conceal Humanity’s Biggest Secret Stillness in […]
Whether You Know It Or Not, You’re Being Prepared For Contact With Extraterrestrials
(Joe Martino) UFOs became mainstream in 2019, the next question is who’s manning them? The mainstream media, and the agencies that direct them, have hidden the truth about UFOs for decades and they finally changed their story on that this year.
Lyme Disease: The CDC’s Greatest Coverup & What They Don’t Want You To Know
(Waking Times) Lyme Disease. Do you have it? If you did, you probably would not know, unless you’re one of the chronic sufferers that had to visit over 30 doctors to get properly diagnosed. Lyme disease tests are highly inaccurate. They’re often inconclusive or false negative. That’s because this clever bacteria has found a way to dumb down the immune system and white blood cells, so it is not detectable until treatment is initiated.
Over a Dozen Children Come Forward, Exposing Network of Pedophile Cops Abusing Them for Years
(Matt Agorist) Thanks to a department that helped cover for them, a ring of pedophile cops was allowed to abuse children for years without any recourse.