(Mike Adams) In today’s Situation Update for Dec. 31st, we reveal Trump’s plan to unleash bombshell evidence in front of Congress on January 6th, right before Congress votes on which slate of electors to accept. The full podcast is embedded below.
The Supreme Court’s Rejection Of Texas’s Election Lawsuit Failed The Constitution
(Margot Cleveland) It is hard to believe the justices put the constitutional question above their desire to avoid appearing to meddle in the 2020 election.
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Democrat Senatorial Candidate Steve Bullocks Announces Support for Packing the Supreme Court – Which Will Destroy US Constitution
(Jim Hoft) For several days now Democrat Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris have dodged the question on their plans to pack the Supreme Court. The Democrat strategy will effectively end the United States as we know it.
Three Reminders from The Bill of Rights
(Humans Are Free) As a condition for accepting the Constitution, the American people demanded the enactment of the Bill of Rights immediately after ratification of the Constitution.
COMPLETE (Uncensored & Digitally Unredacted) Ghislaine Maxwell Documents 1,796 Pages — Download and Share Before They Get Removed
(Justin Deschamps) I was able to find a complete copy of the unsealed Ghislaine Maxwell documents that I was able to unredact and put the data in this post.
Anarchy, An Enlightened Society, and the Difference Between Chaos and Order | Just In Stillness
(Justin Deschamps) In my view, there seems to be only one non-destructive interpretation of Anarchy—no tyrants, but valid rule under true law (God)—an Enlightened Republic of sovereigns who agree to create trusts and bodies to protect their rights—a government.
READ IT: House Republicans Sue Pelosi For Defying ‘231-Year Constitutional Tradition’ With Proxy Voting. Pelosi Responds.
(Eric Quintanar) House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) filed a lawsuit against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday evening in an attempt to block the House of Representatives from allowing representatives to vote on behalf of up to ten other members of Congress as a designated proxy voter.
Sheriffs: We Took An Oath To The Constitution, Not to Governors & Lockdowns
(Spiro Skouras) As the global health emergency of the coronavirus pandemic begins to wane, the fallout from the lockdowns continues to mount. Each day we see more reports of record unemployment, businesses struggling to survive and critical food supply chain infrastructure shutting down.
Deep State Invades Your Home: California Official Announces Program to Remove People with COVID-19 From Their Homes to Quarantine Centers (VIDEO)
(Joe Hoft) After mentioning that he had just seen former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s memos to Robert Mueller, providing direction in his sham special counsel investigation, Senator Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity dropped some major news on Wednesday night.
Harvard Law Prof: Coronavirus Is an Excuse to Dump Free Speech, Property Rights from Constitution
(Alana Mastrangelo) Harvard Law Professor Adrian Vermeule suggests using the Chinese virus pandemic as an excuse to establish a new interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, implementing policies that do away with concepts such as “free speech ideology” and “property rights.”
We Need to Wake Up to Protect Our Basic Freedoms
(Rachel Horton White) In this time, bringing in light to envelope the world is essential to eliminate the control by those who want to create dystopian totalitarianism.
House-Senate Impeachment Impasse Would Mean Trump Wasn’t Impeached At All: Harvard Law Prof
(Zero Hedge) While Nancy Pelosi threatens to withhold articles of impeachment passed Wednesday night by the House, Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman says that President Trump isn’t technically impeached until the House actually transmits the articles to the Senate.
VICTORY! Court Rules Gov’t Must Refund Millions in Red Light Camera Fines
(Matt Agorist) Tens of millions may soon be refunded to drivers who’ve been extorted through the city’s unconstitutional red light camera system.
The Missing 13th Amendment: *no Lawyers Allowed in Public Office*
(David M. Dodge) The following investigative research project is of paramount importance. It is perhaps the most consequential ever undertaken regarding the foundational documents of the United States of America. Truly, it doesn’t get any more serious than the stunning revelations which have emerged from this clandestine plot to wrongfully alter the U.S. Constitution and subvert the American Republic.