(Casey Harper) Republican senators demand hearing after whistleblowers step forward.
Republicans Have Nine Point Lead to Retake Congress in 2022 Midterm Poll
(Cassandra Fairbanks) Republicans have a nine point lead in their quest to retake control of Congress in the November midterms, according to a newly released poll.
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Republicans Launch Counteroffensive Against Latest Woke Corporate Push: ESG Investing
(John Solomon) Goal is to resist growing movement to favor funds that make decisions based on environmental, social, governance, or political criteria.
Appeals Court Rules ‘Insurrectionist’ Members of Congress May be Barred from Office in Cawthorn Case
(Cristina Laila) The US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday overturned a lower court judge’s decision and ruled ‘insurrectionist’ members of Congress may be barred from office.
Rep. Jim Jordan Slams Democrats in Congress for Holding UFO Hearing While Americans are Suffering from Catastrophic Leadership Failure
(Jim Hoft) Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) slammed Democrats on the House Intelligence subcommittee led by Adam Schiff for holding a hearing on UFOs on Tuesday while the country is facing multiple crises due to the catastrophic leadership of the Biden administration.
UFO Hearings in Congress Set To Reopen the Book on Flying Saucers
(Susan Katz Keating) Congress more than a half-century ago closed the book — the Blue Book, that is — on public inquiries into unexplained flying objects. The long silence will be broken on Tuesday, with the first public hearing since 1969 on the UFO phenomenon.
Congress Will Hold First Open UFO Hearing in 50 Years
(Sophie Mann) The hearing is set to take place Tuesday with two Pentagon officials testifying.
Nancy Pelosi Flips Out After House Republicans Actually Subpoena Hunter Biden to Testify Before Congress
(Kyle Becker) Speaker Nancy Pelosi has led the House Democratic troops to shut down a subpoena that would have have put President Joe Biden’s beleaguered son Hunter Biden on the Congressional witness stand.
JOIN MASSIVE Nationwide Campaign To Take On Nancy Pelosi and Insider Trading By Congress…With ONE Click!
(Patty McMurray) Kevin Freeman, host of Economic War Room on BlazeTV, has launched a national campaign slamming Nancy Pelosi for protecting corrupt insider trading by members of Congress. More than 1,450,000 emails have already been sent to Congress!
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Say What? Biden Demands Congress Approve More Covid Funding Now Because “We are Not Going to Have Enough Money to Purchase” New Vaccines Later (VIDEO)
(Julian Conradson) Now that Joe Biden has proven himself to be nothing short of a dangerous liability after his disastrous trip to Eastern Europe last week, his handlers are pivoting back to COVID in an attempt to memory hole Joe’s complete incompetence.
Action Alert: Tell Congress to Rescind Federal Emergency Powers Granted in 2020
(Children’s Health Defense) Overturning the emergency powers Proclamation isn’t just about stopping the mandates, it is about prohibiting the government from trampling upon the rights of the American people and destroying businesses ever again. Last week, the Senate voted 48-47 to end the emergency powers put in place by President Trump in March, 2020 in response to the COVID crisis. The Senate’s joint resolution has now gone to the House of Representatives and President Biden has said that he’ll veto the bill if it crosses his desk.
Fauci Says the GOP Will Target Him if They Get Control of Congress: ‘It’s Benghazi Hearings All Over Again’
(Alex Nitzberg) Dr. Anthony Fauci has suggested that if Republicans take control of Congress, they will target him, but uncover nothing.
Did Congress Order a ‘Medical Surge Capacity’ Drill Just Before COVID Emerged?
(Robert L. Kinney III) Legislation approved by Congress in the summer of 2019 ordered a “medical surge capacity” evaluation that may provide another example of the kinds of covert, public health “drills” or “exercises” authorized by federal law.
More Evidence Obama Is Running the White House – Has Call with Dems in Congress Minus Senile Joe Biden
(Joe Hoft) We have more information on who is really running the White House.
Pelosi Caves, Will Acquiesce to Bipartisan Pressure on Stock Trading Ban: Report
(Jack Davis) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California supports passing a ban on trading in individual stocks by members of Congress, according to a new report.