Compersion A moneyless society is something I think is totally attainable, within a short term period, because we already are doing so much for free already in our lives simply for the reward of giving it. Do you charge someone on the street for directions? Do you charge a friend for your time to listen to […]
collective healing
Are you thinking like a Slave? A thorough look at Language and how we use it
The shackles are actually in your mind. This is a HUGE post covering how our thoughts, words we use, and world views we have, all influence us in our behavior and actions. We are creators by nature, we can not help but create. Sherri, from the Remembering show, was discussing with us, how the words […]
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Amanda Palmer — The Art of Asking — A True Exchange of Value
Thank you SO MUCH Brian for posting this!! Perfect timing for what I was going through. When I saw the vid, this past saturday, we had just finished posting The Moroccan Adventure of Stillness in the Storm – An offer to Co-Create, and I was going through a lot of personal insecurities with regard to […]
Travel Without Borders
Source – Humanity InCorpOrate ENERGY IN MOTION I will begin this by saying that this is a call for HELP, from MYself to OURself. This post pertains to ALL of US as infinitely empowered ancient beings. Since the beginning of the agricultural age human civilization has centered itself around the most fertile of locations throughout the […]
Federal government funds research into how organic farming naturally deters pests without chemicals
There is a belief, or dogma, accepted by the mainstream, which assumes that Organic Farming is more expensive and harder to maintain, producing less yield. This myth, completely falls apart when you consider Quality. GMO produce maybe, bigger, and yield more weight for the farmer to sell at market, but the quality is soft kill poison; appose to organic […]
The Moroccan Adventure of Stillness in the Storm – An offer to Co-Create
“The story of you, and who you are extends itself all the way to the ‘all that is’. Because the story of you, the story of us, is the story that ‘all that is’ is telling itself, about itself. You, we, us, together are the story of all that is. The story it knows itself […]
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Is industrial hemp the ultimate energy crop?
If we take all the data about Cannabis, Hemp, and Marijuana, its industrial uses, and medical applications, there are some big questions that come to mind. How is it that Industrial Hemp can remove toxins from fields and rejuvenate the soil, while at the same time yielding an amazing raw material which can be applied […]
Telling the World “I LOVE You”
Source – Removing the Shackles I woke up this morning, knowing that in my sleep time I had been “discussing” the frequency of Love- the cause and effect of LOVE on the physical and etheric “bodies” of ourselves and even the surrounding energy fields around us. While I wish I could remember all the details that […]
Mirror, Mirror on the wall who’s reflection am I looking at??? Life is a house of mirrors!!!
Source – Jeremy I’ve learned and taught a long while that life is a “House of Mirrors” and it’s amazing that we as individuals are such great mirrors for each other. I now get tons of joy out of looking at my own reflection as I have reactions to the stimulus around me…It however, […]
“I can feel my mind getting sharper with Lion’s Mane. I put it in my coffee.”
Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom, proven to grow new brain cells and synapses. Guard against Alzheimer’s, dementia, and mental decline.
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DNA, Frequency, Energy and Quantum Communication and Teleportation, or: “How to sprain your Brain before Coffee”
Source – Removing the Shackles WARNING: This article is not for the faint of heart, nor those not fully charged on caffeine!!! This article is a bit of a brain sprainer, but it is well worth battling through the science to grasp it. Quantum teleportation and communications are happening within our own bodies/meatsuits every moment of […]
This Is What Happens When A Kid Leaves Traditional Education
Source – Removing the Shackles An excellent article on the topic of homeschooling!! please go to the link at the bottom to view the videos of young Logan Laplante speaking openly about the benefits of Home schooling! Love D THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A KID LEAVES TRADITIONAL EDUCATION Speaking as a mother of 4 home […]
Revolutionships, the radio show! FIRST EPISODE: January 12th, 2014
Crystal Walker has been doing great work on her blog since it came out in mid 2013, and this latest DOing will no doubt be a grander unfoldment of her unique wisdom and truth. Her speciality seems to be 5d Relationships and modes of thinking, something we are hearing about more and more. In my […]
9 Huge Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened
Source – Consciousness Life News We all know the conspiracy theories – the government’s plan for 911, the second gunman who shot JFK, the evolution of the elite from a race of blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards. But the people who spread these ideas usually can’t prove them. As the years pass, however, secrets surface. Government documents become […]
Utah & Wyoming Is on Track to End Homelessness by 2015 With This One Simple Idea
For every homeless person in the United States, there are 6 empty homes. Yep that’s right, there are people freezing on the streets every night, with empty houses within reach to house them. So why haven’t we started to help our fellow down trodden brethren by providing them housing? Seems like a no-brainer. Ask a 1st grader that […]
10 Magical Things That Start to Happen as You Begin to Love Yourself
The key to life in this realm of reality is to be self centered. Not in an egocentric way, for egocentric self centeredness requires external monarchy or policing of reality. TRUE self centeredness, wherein the self is a dynamic living expansion of consciousness, ever unfolding and changing, is the key. The I AM self, once […]