(Nolan Barton) Hate crimes targeting Christians are increasingly becoming normal in Canada. There have been at least 45 attacks on Christian congregations in the country since June, including 17 cases in which churches were completely burned down.
Why Are Christian Leaders Cowering in Silence in Response to the Leftist Overthrow?
(NOQ Report) At a time when power is switching in the country to the leftists, Marxists, globalists and all anti-Christians the Body of Christ appears to be cowering into silence. We are not to give in. We must not be silent and if we do then we bring shame to the glory of God. During this episode of Battlefront: SouthGate, Dustin Faulkner brings strong exhortation in this episode for the coming days and years that we are about to experience.
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Symbolsim: Christogram (Blessing)
(Symbol Dictionary) This is a gesture known as the Christogram, and is considered the original “sign of the cross.” The fingers are positioned to form the Greek letters ICXC, an abbreviation of the Greek name of Christ: IHCOYCXRICTOC. This gesture is ubiquitous in Renaissance images of Christ and the apostles, as well as in portraits of Saints and clergy.
Western Media Silent as China Enslaving Citizens in Concentration Camps, Demolishing Churches
(Jack Burns) Millions of Americans are about to be celebrating the Christmas season not being fully aware just how anti-religion and anti-spiritual the People’s Republic of China actually is. Not only do they persecute Christians and demolish their houses of worship, but they force innocent people into slave labor making Christmas lights for 10 hours a day in what can be referred to as black site concentration camps. Seriously.
The Changing Christian Landscape
(Atlantean Gardens) Europe is the only region projected to see a decline in its total population between 2010 and 2050. Although Christians will continue to be the largest religious group in the region, Europe’s Christian population is expected to drop by about 100 million people, falling from 553 million in 2010 to 454 million in 2050.
Beginning your Spiritual Journey, a Minister’s Path to Enlightenment – Leon Isaac Kennedy Part 1
Beginning your Spiritual Journey, a Minister’s Path to Enlightenment – Leon Isaac Kennedy Part 1
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Symbolism: O, Tannenbaum: the Origin of the Christmas Tree
(Symbol Dictionary) In most parts of the world, Winter is cold and harsh; the Christmas tree, with its ornaments and twinkling lights, is a sign of warmth and gaiety. The Christmas tree is such a popular symbol of the winter holiday that it has been adopted by people of many faiths all over the world. The custom of decorating an evergreen with lights and ornaments is ostensibly Christian, but its roots lie deep in the Pagan past.
The Greatest Spiritual Event of Our Time According to Rudolph Steiner
(Paul Levy) Almost a hundred years ago, as if peering into a crystal ball and predicting the future, spiritual teacher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner[1] prophesied that the most momentous event of modern times was what he referred to as the incarnation of the etheric[2]Christ. By the “etheric Christ,” [3]
500 Years of a Protestant Reformation
(Solitary Purdah) The evolution of the Christendom since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ has been marked with contention and disputes among different factions of believers. From the offset, the banning of the agnostic gospels from accepted church tenets to the East–West Schism of 1054 and the wars of religion that overwhelmed Europe following the Protestant Reformation, […]
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Christ Consciousness: The Reason Why We All Have The Same Capabilities as Jesus
(Kalee Brown) Religion tends to encourage hierarchy and praise. Christians, for example, look up to priests and they pray to Jesus Christ and God. Now, don’t get me wrong — prayer can be a wonderful tool for further connecting with ourselves, and it can provide us with comfort and guidance. However, seeking answers outside the Self […]
Where Did Christmas Come From? Well, Not Jesus For A Start – David Icke (Extended Version)
https://youtu.be/r-wmXynpRKg Note about the Value of a “Religious Experience”: While I do contend that, religion in general, holds humanity back, used as a “box” for consciousness, the application of concepts and ideas which are embedded in religion can be of value. The effect of prayer, worship, meditation, mysticism and so on, on consciousness can not be overlooked, and often involves […]
“Hades,” a place of conscious torment
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, November 13, 2016 I have often wondered why “HADES” is mentioned in the bible as well as in Greek Mythology… This is mainly because I was raised to think if it was not in the bible then it was evil or of the devil. So when I have heard reference […]