(Mickey Megistus) Before my awakening process started in earnest back around 2006, I was very much a man of materialism. Although I was idealistic, with a love for philosophy, I was also atheistic, hedonistic, and if I couldn’t understand something in a physical sense, then I thought it was just superstition and fantasy.
Occult Secrets of Vril, Kundalini, Tantra, Esoteric Transmutation – ROBERT SEPEHR
(Robert Sepehr) Meaning “to weave” in Sanskrit, the term Tantra implies a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation from the physical level of existence. Samadhi is a state of Consciousness characterized by clarity of perception and the absence of the ego. It is the state of Consciousness sought by all schools of Meditation, a piercing of the veils of one’s subconscious mind, into the super-conscious.
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Understanding Kundalini – and How to Effectively Integrate It Into Your Life
(Open) There’s a profound spiritual possibility open to all people: the opportunity to be absolutely connected to the source of all life, and have that energy steer you in the direction of destiny.