Source – American Kabuki The views below are solely Benjamin Fulford’s. There’s a lot of data in this one but like with any post use your own inner discernment. This blog does not advocate killing anyone, Source is doing quite a nice job enforcing the energetic changeover from the current systems and is actively retiring many […]
Climate Engineering: 13 Patents Explain the Chemtrail Experiment
Source – Occupy Corporatism This post goes along well with another post from earlier this week: Weather Modification Incorporated “Proudly Seeding since 1961” Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US IndependentFebruary 24, 2014 Journalist Andrew Lilico suggests that humanity must adapt to new changes in the Earth’s weather systems rather than “waste resources on futile mitigation efforts.” Lilico believes that “adaptation […]
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Weather Modification Incorporated “Proudly Seeding since 1961”
Today a friend of mine, Whitney, shared a link to a company named Weather Modification, Inc. I personally have been aware of the fact of cloud seeding, or more commonly referred to as chemtrails, previous to finding this company. Here is a direct link to the company website so you can view the below yourself: However I […]
Aluminum: Neurotoxin from Hell – Anti Light absorbing Element
Thank you D for posting this! I was just having a revelation about the word Aluminum and its Green Language meaning. Lumin is a word which means light. Illuminated is a term which refers to light filling a thing. To be Illuminated usually means to be filled with light as in having an awareness or […]
American Kabuki: Morocco Diary #4 – On Heather, Caleb and the life of the former Trustee’s of the OPPT
Another great post by AK! There are a lot of data points about Morocco and I enjoyed reviewing them especially considering our coming Adventure. AK also shares some background about the former OPPT Trustee’s and the nature of their present work and environment. – Justin Source – American Kabuki Andalusian Lamp – Ceuta, Spain Photo by Caleb […]
David Wilcock: The Polar Vortex: A Physical Manifestation of the “Chilling Effect” of NSA Surveillance?
David does a wonderful job of tying seemingly random data points into a cohesive presentation. As always, we must contemplate and distill this data, for it to have deep empowering meaning within our lives. – Justin Source – Divine Cosmos The cornerstone of our scientific research here at Divine Cosmos is the idea that the universe […]
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“Cloud Seeding and Morgellons”
This post goes well with Chemtrails creating Cyber Humans? You are stopping Diseases caused by Nano Particles now where we discuss some of the ways to deal with the steady stream of self replicating nanontechnology falling on us daily. – Justin Source Morgellons disease is the popular name for an unexplained skin disorder characterized by disfiguring sores […]
Cabal Attempting to Slow Ascension? Cosmic Energy being blocked from reaching our DNA
This post covers some data about ISON as-well data about our ascension related to the cosmic resonances. There is a very good, detailed explanation of why grounding and earth are so beneficial (although he does not say this directly). This also has to do with why our bodies respond so well to natural environments, like walking on the beach or in nature. […]
Chemtrail Insanity: Geoengineering to reduce climate change could adversely affect rainfall, scientists report
Source – Natural News (NaturalNews) Some scientists are globalist thinkers, and they believe that their knowledge puts them in charge of the entire world, including the planet’s temperature and the amount of gases that should be in the atmosphere. They think, at any given moment, that they have the right to spray the skies with bouts […]
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Keep Spraying Chemtrails!! IPCC warns policymakers not to stop ‘solar radiation management’
UPDATED: 11.06.2013 4:47pm I added a picture at the end of the post from a facebook comment. Apparently “the Secretary of State for Education and Research in Germany, shows a graphics on their website that displays exactly what is mentioned in the report.” – Justin Source – Activist Post The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel […]
Neurologist Warns of Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrail Toxins
Source Chemtrails are real and they are dangerous, yet so many people still deny their existence. Well if a former Airforce veteran, chemicals and bio-environmental engineering whistle blower or other researchers aren’t convincing enough, then perhaps a neurologist will help people wake up to the fact that millions of tons of cancer-causing and brain-debilitating nano-particles […]
RTS: Sol Update, and why I’m blabbering on about the Sun
Source Ok I know you’re all getting bored with my constant Solar updates….. But I’ve got one more (for today, lol), and then I would like to discuss WHY I’m posting them. After reporting on the X Class flare in yesterday mornings update, yesterday afternoon and evening we had another X Class flare, 2.1, and […]
Science Conspiracy – UN: ‘The World Won’t Cool Without Chemtrails’ (No Matter What)
Source According to the upcoming United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate assessment, “Global warming is irreversible without massive geoengineering of the atmosphere’s chemistry.” The New Scientist reported yesterday: According to one of its lead authors, and the latest draft seen by New Scientist, the report will say: ‘CO2-induced warming is projected to remain […]
Chemtrails creating Cyber Humans? You are stopping Diseases caused by Nano Particles now
This topic can be hard to process for a lot of people and I was not sure how to present this information until I recently saw the below presentation. When ever I am exposed to information I always try and remember it is the Absolute Data behind it, I am trying to sift out. The […]