(Vigilant Citizen) The WHO has been handling the COVID-19 outbreak in a specific matter. It went from downplaying the virus and lobbying against travel bans from China to pushing for the constant lockdown of the world and its economy. There’s a method behind the madness: The WHO is using the pandemic to move towards a New World Order that is modeled after China’s oppressive regime.
Forget About Your Concerns About CERN: NASA Probes Detect Very Low …
(Joseph P. Farrell) The past week, besides being a week for what seems to be becoming a regular monthly installment of Antarctic strangeness, has also been a week of very bizarre technology and science stories, and this one was no exception. It was sent by Ms. K.M. and many others, and I have to talk […]
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CERN Upgraded: New Plasma Based Tech 1,000 Times More Powerful — Everything You Need To Know About “CERN AWAKE Experiment” | Anthony Patch
Image Source. (Kev Baker) CERN is home to the worlds larges particle accelerator, the LHC – Large Hadron Collider, and most people are familiar with the 17mile ring that has 2 counter rotating streams of particles accelerated to near the speed of light. The AWAKE – Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration machine differs from […]
The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Changing Rapidly: Is This Proof CERN Is the Cause?
(The Daily Sheeple) We know mainstream science has been reporting more and more in recent years that the Earth’s magnetic field is not only weakening, but it is getting weaker at a faster and faster rate. At present, researchers claim they are not sure why this is happening. Related The White House Just Issued An -Executive Order- […]
CERN An Orion Stargate? | LOC and SPS Have An Undeniable Connection to Mercury, Venus, Mars and Orion
CERN or the Large Hadron Collider (LOC) are a hotbed of conspiracy theories within the awakening community. It is most likely one of the best examples of a fear-inducing topic that many inquiring minds seek to gain an understanding of. In most cases, theories pushed by enthusiasts are little more than speculation, rarely containing any supportive […]
Major CERN Explosion? | Whistleblower Claims CERN Suffered Major Disaster on Friday the 13th, And It’s Being Covered Up
Update: November 24th 4:17pm -A reader sent me a video by BPearthwatch showing that CERN is still up and running. Whether or not there was actually a catastrophic event, as reported by the whistleblowers below, remains unclear, but if CERN is in fact conducting tests beyond the 13th of November, it draws their claims into question. […]
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CERN WATCH: Extra Dimensions and Gravity’s Rainbow
Thank you D for bring all this forth, check out the previous Transpicious post here: Germanwings Flight 9525, CERN, Attempted Portal Creation, BRICS and more! – Transpicuous News Special Report: March 26th 2015 Also see: Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days Source – Removing the Shackles With all […]
MASSIVE Microwave Pulse on 23rd to 24th, CERN and Gernmanwings Flight 9525 | Giant Microwave Pulse Seen Across Europe, Africa and Atlantic
There are a several researchers claiming a connection between Germanwings Flight 9525 on the 23rd and CERN’s recent test which was scheduled for this same time frame. As Dutchsince documents below, a massive Microwave Pulse enshrouded the earth over the 23rd and 24th, exactly when the CERN test was due to occur, and is also […]
Germanwings Flight 9525, CERN, Attempted Portal Creation, BRICS and more! – Transpicuous News Special Report: March 26th 2015
Dani from RTS did a thorough breakdown of CERN, Germanwings Flight Crash and more in her report recently. She brings some interesting evidence to the table, but ultimately the definitive connection between the downed flight and CERN’s testing remains elusive. We covered the Germanwings stories here: Suicide or ‘Manchurian Candidate?’ | Germanwings Co-Pilot, Andreas Lubitz, […]
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Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days
The materialist theories of science, the Standard Model, Relativity and the like, are beginning to be disproved with recent observations. The acolytes of such theories, per their own writings, are desperately trying to develop ad hoc and revissionist corrections to a fundamentally flawed theory. The key problem with materialism is the assumption that matter is independent of space-time, which has never been experimentally proven. We recently posted an excellent expose on the topic The […]