(B.N. Frank) Cell phones, laptops, and other wireless radiation emitting products include warnings in their manuals that carrying and holding these devices against the body may cause users to expose themselves to unsafe levels of radiation. In some parts of the world, government and medical agencies warn the public about this (see 1, 2). Nevertheless – there are countless examples of businesses (including tech and telecom companies) and also medical providers advertising the unsafe use of wireless radiation-emitting products to people of all ages.
cell phones
American Schools Take Action as Students “more Hooked to Their Cell Phones than Ever”
(B.N. Frank) Screen addiction and exposure had been identified as a significant problem among kids and teens long before schools transitioned to Virtual Learning due to COVID-19. Research has determined that children’s use of smartphones and other screens as well as their exposure to blue light, cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation and other Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) is harmful to their health. American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have been warning about children’s vulnerability to this for years. In fact, American tech insiders (aka “Silicon Valley Parents”) have taken what may be considered extreme measures to limit their own kids’ use and exposure to screens.
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The Use of Stingrays, Devices to Locate and Track Suspects Via Their Cell Phones, Is Used Around the Country – Does This Explain Arizona?
(Joe Hoft) Back in 2008, the use of Stingrays was reported in California when a tax cheat was captured after filing returns on dead people and obtaining their refunds. The culprit had thought he covered his tracks but later found out he was captured by the use of the stingray:
If Cell Phone Use Causes Mechanical Stresses Contributing to “Skull Horns,” What Can EMFs and RFs From AMI Smart Meters, 5G & Weather Engineered Scalar Clouds Do To Our Health?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Technology in all its varied formats literally has taken over our lives—from cradle to grave! What a sad state of affairs to see a toddler ‘navigating’ the Internet, all while Mom beams at how smart her little one is. Little does Mom know how she is enabling her child to suffer a probable future life of “non-ionizing radiation sickness, pain, suffering and tech-produced, physiological body changes.”
iPhones Harvest and Transmit Massive Amounts of Data While You Sleep
(Zero Hedge) iPhones are surprisingly active in the middle of the night, according to a report by Washington Post Technology writer, Geoffrey Fowler.
Cell Phones Can Damage Relationships and Cause Lack of Empathy
(Exploring your Mind) During a conversation with someone, you’ve probably had to compete for their attention with a technological device and lost. Maybe the person in front of you diverted their attention to their latest “urgent” notifications. They’ve probably even interrupted your conversation to answer a call, answer a text message, or check their social media.
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Smartphones Are Taking the Fun out of Life – People View the World from Their Screens Instead of Experiencing It Directly
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) Everyone owns a smartphone these days, and it’s not hard to see why. They make our lives easier and make things more convenient, whether it is traveling, doing business, or talking to someone who is miles away. But, like all good things, they also come with disadvantages. So while smartphones give, they also take away. Sure, they enable people to accomplish important tasks, but they also prevent them from enjoying something that really matters: living in the moment.
5G Showdown: Huawei Joins Darkside Against the Alliance
5G Showdown: Huawei Joins Darkside Against the Alliance
Not so “Smart” After All: Screen Time on So-called Smart Devices Linked to Decline in Children’s Brain Health
(Edsel Cook) The initial findings of a new study uncovered a link between exposure to smart devices and the brain health of children. The more time kids spent using a smartphone or similar device, the bigger the change in their brain patterns, which could last for the rest of a child’s life.
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Watch: Firefighters Report Neurological Damage After Cell Tower Installation Near Their Station
(Arjun Walia) The conversation about 5G within the mainstream is becoming quite concerning for onlookers, as there’s been an increase in awareness about the health concerns of wireless radiation. Sure, there are natural sources of electromagnetic radiation on both ends of the spectrum in our environment, but never before has humanity experienced this much.
“Selfie Wrist,” “Text Neck,” Screen Addiction, Macular Degeneration and Blindness, Insomnia, Anxiety, Brain Cancer and Tumors – Ain’t Smart Phones Grand.
(B.N. Frank) “Selfies” have become so popular that in 2014 they actually received their own “National Selfie Day.” Unfortunately, “Selfie Wrist” – injuries sustained by taking too many selfies – came along with it.
Current FCC “Safety” Guidelines Were Written “When Cell Phones Were The Size of a Brick.” They Don’t Apply to 5G or Other Newer Tech
(B.N. Frank) Current U.S. “safety” guidelines were written over 20 years ago when “a cell phone was the size of a brick and there was no Wi-Fi at the coffee shop” so they don’t apply to how we use and are exposed to technology today.
5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System
(Terence Newton) The global rollout of 5G is well underway, and we soon may see new small cell towers near all schools, on every residential street, dispersed throughout the natural environment, and pretty much everywhere. But the safety of this technology is in serious question, and there is a raging battle to stop the taxpayer funded implementation of 5G.
Your Cell Phone is a Psychotronic Weapon of Mass Mind Control
(Peter A. Kirby) Modern telecommunications usually involves devices that can both send and receive wireless signals. These devices are also almost invariably capable of producing and receiving signals that affect our moods, thoughts, and bodily functions. Your cell phone is a psychotronic weapon. That means that your cell phone CAN read and control and probably IS reading and controlling your mind. People should care more about that than whomever is currently on TV.
More Schools Are Converting Back to Safer Wired Internet. Free Documentary “Wi-Fried” Details Why
(B.N. Frank) There is still no safe level of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation exposure that has been scientifically determined for children and pregnant women. This is why an increasing number of schools in the U.S. and overseas are replacing wireless (WiFi) internet with safer wired internet. Many doctors have been recommending this for a while now. Regardless, this is not coming easily everywhere.