(Kat) Hi Dinarlandia, First, thank you Sierra NZ for the amazing work you do with your great, up-to-the-minute posts about Q and what’s happening on Twitter. I deeply appreciate it because I don’t Twitter or Facebook.
CCP Virus
High Level Child Rapists Released from Prison Amid COVID-19 Outbreak
(Humans are Free) Over the past two weeks, non-violent inmates have been released from prisons across the country in an attempt to prevent massive outbreaks behind bars.
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CONSPIRACY EXPOSED: Chinese Biological Experiments To Infect Humans With Coronavirus Exposed In 2015 By Italian State Media
(Great Game India) Five years ago, Italian state owned media Company, Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, exposed dark efforts by China on viruses.
Chloroquine and the April Fools’ Story No One is Talking About
(Joseph P. Farrell) Happy April Fool’s Day! I say that because it is perhaps no accident that there’s a familiar “odor” to all this corona virus plandemic stuff.
CONSPIRACY REALITY: Suspected SARS Virus and Flu Samples Found in Luggage: FBI Report Describes China’s ‘Biosecurity Risk’
(Sharon Weinberger, Jana Winter and Martin De Bourmont) In late November 2018, just over a year before the first coronavirus case was identified in Wuhan, China, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Detroit Metro Airport stopped a Chinese biologist with three vials labeled “Antibodies” in his luggage.
Johnson & Johnson to Begin Human Coronavirus Vaccine Testing by September
(Reid Willson) The pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson said Monday it had identified a promising candidate vaccine for the coronavirus spreading around the globe and that it expects to begin human trials by September.
The Plan to Save the World and the Fall of the Cabal!
(Edward Morgan) PLEASE DO NOT PANIC – “P”atriots “A”re “N”ow “I”n “C”ontrol in the UK and DC. This is The Plan To Save The World & The Fall Of The Cabal! Whoever wins takes ALL.
COVID-19 Is Forcing The World To Re-Think The Idea Of “Monetary Value”
(Matthew Ehret) Western society has long been gripped by a deep seeded belief in money. Trillions of dollars of bank notes tied to ever-growing mountains of un-payable national debts has taken on a life of its own over the years. As the post-1971 years rolled by, society increasingly lost a sense that this human invention called “money” was created to serve humanity rather than rule it, and with that lost sense, money became an idol of worship.
Footage of Indian Police Beating Lockdown Violators Goes Viral
(Zero Hedge) With only 500 or so cases confirmed as of Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared in a late-night address that as of midnight (at the time, only a few hours away) the entire country of between 1.3 and 1.4 billion people would be placed under a strict lockdown.
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Jeremy Corbyn’s Brother Claims Bill Gates and George Soros are Behind Coronavirus
(Sebastian Murphy-Bates) Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers has claimed that Bill Gates and George Soros are behind the coronavirus.
Trump Stops Collection of Student Loan Debt From Those in Default — What You Need to Know
(Zack Friedman) President Donald Trump has stopped collection of federal student loan debt. Here’s what you need to know.
101-Year-Old Man Who Survived Spanish Flu Pandemic Recovers From the Coronavirus
(John Vibes) A 101-year-old CoViD-19 coronavirus patient in Italy was discharged from the hospital this week. Surviving this illness at his age is quite an accomplishment, but this is not his first pandemic.
Protect Your Home from Coronavirus and Other Pathogens by Making Home-Made Disinfectants
(Divina Ramirez) The new coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that causes symptoms similar to those of the common cold, such as fever, cough and shortness of breath.
America Is Now The COVID-19 Epicenter: The U.S. Just Had 17,224 Newly Confirmed Coronavirus Cases In A Single Day!
(Michael Snyder) As I write this article, headlines all over the globe are announcing the fact that the United States now has more confirmed coronavirus cases than anybody else in the world.
Coronavirus Updates: Cuomo Delivers Thursday Press Briefing As NYC Hospitals Overrun, China Bars All Foreigners From Entry Over Coronavirus Fears
Coronavirus Updates: Cuomo Delivers Thursday Press Briefing As NYC Hospitals Overrun, China Bars All Foreigners From Entry Over Coronavirus Fears