(Janet Phelan) In May of 2001, six months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the anthrax letters (Amerithrax) in the US, UN Ambassador John Bolton led the boycott to protest the adding of verification measures to the toothless international Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Due to the boycott by the US State Department delegates to this proposal by the BWC ad hoc committee, verification is not a part of the international accord known as the Biological Weapons Convention.
CCP Virus
Good News: 12 Ways Communities Are Taking Care of Each Other During the Pandemic
(Ruth Terry) A lot of scary things are on the news lately, from the continued spread of the coronavirus into every crevice of the globe to the mental and emotional toll that fighting the virus is taking on those of us in self-isolation. In these troubled times, we’ve seen industries, businesses, and celebrities step up to help out.
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Child Sexual Abuse is Sharply on the Rise as Americans Ordered to Stay at Home: Report
(Elias Marat) As the United States and the entire world become enveloped in the worst pandemic in a century, many have embraced self-isolating and sheltering in place as a basic responsibility to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. However, for many of the most vulnerable—such as children—home can be the most unsafe place due to domestic violence and abuse
This is What the Coronavirus Does to Your Body That Makes it so Deadly
(Benjamin Neuman) COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Coronaviruses belong to a group of viruses that infect animals, from peacocks to whales. They’re named for the bulb-tipped spikes that project from the virus’s surface and give the appearance of a corona surrounding it.
How Lockdown Affects the Brain
(Exploring Your Mind) We each face confinement in different ways. However, our brain can suffer very specific problems in these difficult days. Knowing about them will allow us to apply a series of strategies in order to take better care of our mental health.
Special Care Focus: Coronavirus, Technique for Reducing and Overcoming Fear | Heart Math Institute
(Heart Math Institute)Welcome to a Special Care Focus regarding the Coronavirus – a technique for reducing and overcoming fear. In order for everyone around the world to participate in a synchronized Care Focus, beginning Wednesday, March 25th we have chosen three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours)*. Please join with others on the Global Coherence App or the Global Care Room. We will do this every Wednesday until the Coronavirus pandemic subsides. Thank you for joining with us. Share with those you feel it could help.
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Donald Trump says the Coronavirus was “Artificially Induced”
(Arjun Walia) Donald Trump, in a recent press conference, referred to the new coronavirus as “artificially induced.Why is it so hard to get to the bottom of the coronavirus? Why are so many opinions being censored and labelled as “false?” Why has freedom of opinion and discussion been shut down so much? Should we not be free to have open discussions?
CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if There are No Test Results Confirming it
(C. Douglas Golden) The problem with making informed decisions about coronavirus is that we don’t have a whole lot of data on it at the moment. The data that we do have, meanwhile, could end up being terminally skewed, particularly the data that’s been coming out of China. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance on determining COVID-19 as a cause of death isn’t going to help those numbers.
Study Suggests Ocean Creatures Have Been Protecting Humanity From Viruses
(John Vibes) According to a new study conducted by a team of researchers from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), creatures in the ocean have acted as a natural defense against viruses for the human population. In a series of lab experiments, a team led by marine ecologist Jennifer Welsh observed marine organisms to see how they interacted with viruses in their ecosystem. The study was published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.
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5G Coronavirus Conspiracy: YouTube Restricts Videos
(Hadas Gold) YouTube and other social media platforms are taking steps to limit the spread of conspiracy theories falsely connecting 5G networks and the coronavirus pandemic after a string of attacks on cellphone towers.
READ: Trump’s Devastating Open Letter To Schumer: ‘I Never Knew How Bad A Senator You Are’
(Hank Berrien) On Thursday, President Trump issued a devastating letter to Democrat New York Senator Chuck Schumer after Schumer issued a letter criticizing him earlier in the day.
You Probably Won’t Handle This Crisis “Perfectly.” That’s Okay
(Daisy Luther) Right now, every prepper I know is busily trying to tie up any loose ends before the pandemic outbreak racing across the country becomes even worse. They’re buying last-minute supplies, securing their homes, and organizing their plans. They are managing their families, many of whom aren’t taking the situation seriously.
New Experimental App Analyzes Your Voice To Determine If You Have COVID-19
(Jake Anderson) As SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes CoViD-19, continues to spread around the world, scientists, medical experts, and healthcare professionals search for ways to diagnose the illness and “flatten the curve” of infection.
Healthcare Worker Broke Down Crying After Neighbours Applauded her Leaving for Work
(Anthony McLennan) Tayla Porter, a Healthcare worker from Basingstoke in England, was left stunned after everyone in her street gave her a standing ovation when she left for work.
Military Personnel to Handle Coronavirus Patients at Facilities in NYC, New Orleans and Dallas
(Brett Samuel) Military personnel will begin treating coronavirus patients at new medical facilities that have popped up in the cities of New York, New Orleans and Dallas, the White House said Thursday, marking a shift in policy for how the Pentagon is aiding in the medical response to the pandemic.