(Staff Writer) Roseanne Barr is joined on her little podcast by MK Ultra whistleblower Cathy O’Brien, co-author of the classic book on covert mind control programs, ‘TRANCEformation of America’ to discuss the relentless psyops and mass mind control to which we’re all being subjected.
Cathy O'Brien
Cathy O’Brian: UnRig Elections
(Cathy O’Brien) What an amazing time to be alive! I wish Mark was here to witness this #GreatAwakening with me, as we both knew this day would dawn when people gained eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know truth of what has been going on behind the proverbial wizard’s curtain regarding rigged elections.
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MK Ultra Survivor: Mind Control’s Antidote; PTSD: Time to Heal
(Cathy O’Brien) When I awoke from decades of MK Ultra mind control, I experienced a sense of Rip Van Winkle time warp, since I had “slept” through world events and social engineering trends. As I slowly began reclaiming conscious awareness’ free thought in 1988 through methods detailed in PTSD: Time to Heal, my paradigm shifted several times in succession.
MK Ultra’s Deep State Roots
(Cathy O’Brian) At a time when slander is promoted as free speech, I am grateful that the fine legal line I’ve had to walk for over 30 years as a US Government Whistleblower on MK Ultra mind control has honed my testimony to abSOULute fact. Emotional outbursts were tempered with logic, which kept perceptual distortion in check and the facts straight.
MK ULTRA & Project Monarch – Cathy O’Brien’s Story
(Julie Alexander) Cathy O’Brien is one of the most remarkable women in the world today. She survived mind control, pedophilia, drugs, sexual abuse, torture and much, much more.
Body Language Analysis — Satanic Ritual Abuse Victim & Cathy O’Brian (Video)
https://youtu.be/JXkeD2P8gjk Related The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult — The Satanic Infiltration of the Western World Related Understanding Mind Control | The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article […]
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Clintons, Haiti, Human Trafficking and Psych Warfare on Sexuality
(Cathy O’Brian) Have you considered the correlation between the Clinton Foundation, World Vision, and CIA/Jesuit Black Ops in Haiti? Or is that simply semantics for more of the same crimes against humanity perpetrated under the illusion of charity to fund a global domination agenda? Related WATCH: Mainstream Media Finally Admits Russiagate is Clinton’s ‘Conspiracy Theory’ […]
Cathy O’Brien — MK Ultra Mind Control Survivor | Monarch Program, Military, Congressional Testimony, Coverups, Mass-Mind Control Programs, and Methods to Gain Freedom
(Dark Journalist) In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes United States Government Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien the author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy’s groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995. Related Understanding Mind Control […]