(Carmine Sabia) House Speaker and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi is now banned from receiving Holy Communion in more Catholic diocese.
Catholic Church
‘I’m Killing The Babies’: Pro-Abortion Extremists Swarm NYC Cathedral
(Cullen McCue) A group of Catholics stood guard outside the St. Patrick’s Cathedral as leftist demonstrators gathered.
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Famous Chicago Priest Named In $800,000 Abuse Case Settlement
(Louis Knuffke) The Chicago Archdiocese has paid an $800,000 settlement over five cases of sexual abuse, one of which involved a well-known priest who was charged with abusing a minor in the 1970s.
COVID and the Catholic Church
(Michael C. Hurley) I opened YouTube one morning recently, as usual, to hear another excellent homily by a hugely popular young Catholic priest from Canada. The title of this episode revealed that the latest COVID madness of requiring vaccine passports for attendance at Mass had just come to Quebec. And yet, as I heard the priest begin his rebuttal to this astonishing overreach, my heart sank.
The ‘Catholic Moderate’ Challenging Viktor Orban Is Really a Pro-lgbt Globalist Puppet like Biden. Here’s Proof
(Scott Schittl) Like Joe Biden, Márki-Zay claims to be a ‘devout Catholic’ in his private life, but also like Joe Biden, Márki-Zay publicly supports homosexual ‘marriage’ and abortion as rights granted by the state.
VIDEO: Archbishop Vigano Says Pope Francis Is ‘Zealous Cooperator’ In Great Reset, Will Preside Over ‘Demolition’ Of Catholic Church
(Andrew White) Archbishop Vigano says Pope Francis is a “zealous cooperator” in the globalist Great Reset agenda.
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Pope Mocked For Demanding Church Be ‘Open Place Where Everyone Feels Welcome’ As Vaccine Passport Protests Rage Outside
(Tom Pappert) Pope Francis, a vaccine advocate himself who has found ways to absolve Catholics from guilt for receiving vaccines developed with aborted fetuses, took a stand against traditionalism and in favor of progressive politics in a call for the Catholic Church to become an “open place where everyone feels welcome.”
WATCH: Father Altman, Who Took On Fauci, Tells Corrupt Bishops To ‘Bring It On’ As They Try To Remove Him
(Patrick Howley) Amazing Fortitude From A Principled Priest.
Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Respond To Catholic Church Vote On Denying Communion To Them
(Carmine Sabia) Catholic Democrats have finally faced some possible consequences for their unmitigated support of allowing women to abort unborn babies and some of them are furious about it.
Bishop Robert E. Smith Calls on Churches to Lead Against Rising Tyranny in America
(Michael Scheuer) Today, The Two Mikes spoke with the Bishop Robert E. Smith, Sr. from Little Rock, Arkansas. Bishop Smith spoke very clearly about how deeply many of the nation’s Christian churches have failed to adequately support and advise their congregants on how to respond to the tyranny and evil being spread by the Democrat administration in a way that is both peaceful and effective.
Biden’s Policies on Abortion and Family ‘Advance Moral Evils,’ Catholic Bishops Head Says
(Michael Foust) The head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this week said he is praying for President Biden and looks forward to working with the new administration but remains concerned that the new president supports policies that “advance moral evils.”
Carlo Maria Viganó: Open Letter to President Donald Trump “This Great Reset is destined to fail”
(Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano) Catholic Family News is honored to help circulate the following Open Letter to President Donald Trump at the request of its author, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Throughout this new letter, His Excellency revisits some of the themes discussed in his first such missive published in June (e.g., the perennial conflict between good and evil), while also addressing such topics as The Great Reset initiative, Bill Gates and “a program of vaccination”, “the establishment of the New World Order”, the “mystery of iniquity” mentioned in Scripture (2 Thess. 2:7), and “the epochal importance of the imminent election”.
The Vatican’s Cardinal George Pell Is Freed From Jail & His Child Sex Abuse Convictions Are Overturned
(Arjun Walia) Cardinal George Pell, a high ranking Vatican official who was convicted of child sexual abuse has been set free, and all charges have been dropped. How many people in powerful places are involved in such activity?
Police Found Complicit in Conspiracy to Cover Up Massive Child Sex Ring in Catholic Church
(Matt Agorist) Many have wondered how the rampant child sex abuse in the church could’ve gone on for so long. We now know it was because police covered it up.