There is a truly staggering complexity to reality. Yet the case can also be made for a fresh view of organic lifeforms that is in some ways elegantly simple. Learn to see organic life with new eyes. Through a ground-up view of lifeforms that emphasizes their electrical organizing physics and their relationship to this planet, we adjust our paradigm of existence to be more cohesive. We also innovate our approach to curing a cellular disorder that members of our species in English-speaking culture have termed “cancer.”
Doctors Shocked When Cannabis Oil Cures Woman of Terminal Cancer
(Vicki Batts) There is no shortage of patients curing their cancer on their own, with a little help from a medicinal plant we call cannabis. Recently, a 52-year-old woman from the United Kingdom revealed that cannabis oil saved her life.
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The Biggest Misconception About The ‘Ketogenic Diet’…You Don’t Actually Have To Follow It
(Arjun Walia) There is a lot of information going around about the Ketogenic diet. I myself am a culprit, having recently published two previous articles on the topic, explaining what happens to your body when you go into ketosis, similar to this one but a little different.
Hope Proves Better than Fear for Inspiring Better Outcomes: Studies Prove Empowering People to Change Is Good for Their Health
(Jessica Dolores) The saying that hope springs eternal is a paean to positive thinking. The idea that things will work out well, no matter how gloomy everything seems to be, has made champions out of losers; billionaires out of college dropouts.
10 Surprising Places ADHD & Cancer Causing Food Dyes Hide
(Jennifer Giustra-Kozek) There are more and more initiatives by companies like Mars, General Mills, Kraft and Panera Bread to remove food dyes from their products because they are listening to their consumers who are voting with their dollar.
The “Deadly Breast Cancer Gene” Is A Myth, Lancet Study Confirms
(Sayer Ji) A powerful new Lancet study reveals that the so-called breast cancer susceptibility genes — BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 — do not, in fact, cause breast cancer. Jolie’s prophylactic mastectomy, for instance, was for naught.
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Can You Change DNA Copying Errors That Contribute to Cancer, and Other Diseases?
The latest research coming from cell biologists is that even if you eat healthy foods, exercise, and don’t have a family history of cancer, you’re still likely to develop cancer due to DNA copying errors – when the transcription of your genetic material starts to look like a page full of typos rather than an organized combination of phosphates, sugars, and nitrogen bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine) organized into a well written novel of your life. If replication errors in our DNA are the most common cause of cancer and other diseases, what can we do to change this?
Cancer: Busting the Myths – Part 2 (Natural Cancer Cures)
(Makia Freeman) Natural Cancer Cures exist, and are even widely known, but the first things to get past are your own doubts and fears. It can be hard to step out of the box of orthodox, conventional, mainstream, allopathic Western Medicine, especially when faced with a serious illness like cancer. However, the prospect of facing surgery, […]
Natural Cancer Cures: Busting the Myths Part 1
(Makia Freeman) Natural cancer cures do exist, and are even widely known. There are numerous promising and outright proven natural cancer cures, treatments and remedies – many cheap and easily self-administered. Related 18 Spices Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Treat Cancer Source – Wake Up World by Makia Freeman, February 22nd, 2018 But the first things to get […]
Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Found to Give Rats Cancer
(Isabelle Z) A new study released by the National Institutes of Health shows that exposure to cell phone radiation known as RFR causes male rats to develop a rare type of cancer. According to two technical reports on mice and rats, the RFR exposure caused male rats to develop tumors in the tissues that surround nerves […]
The “Deadly Breast Cancer Gene” is a Myth, Lancet Study Confirms
(Sayer Ji) A powerful new Lancet study reveals that the so-called breast cancer susceptibility genes — BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 — do not, in fact, cause breast cancer. This means Angelina Jolie’s prophylactic mastectomy, for instance, was for naught. Related Coherent Light (Biophoton) Can Heal Cancer and Other Diseases Source – WakeUpWorld by Sayer Ji, […]
CANCER VIRUS SV-40: How the New Orleans Medical “Manhattan Project” Was Connected to the JFK Assassination
Dr. Alton Ochsner (ConstantineReport) SV-40, the monkey virus Dr Mary Sherman, David Ferrie and a woman named Judyth Vary Baker (who describes her romantic involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald in her 2010 memoir Lee and Me) were experimenting with (see last blog), was first discovered in 1957. Originally known as “polyoma virus” (referring to its […]
Living in a Rural Area Reduces the Risk of Dying from Cancer by 29%
(Julie Fidler) Living in a rural area has a multitude of benefits – cleaner air, less noise, and more relaxing surroundings, just to name a few. Related: Cancer Is a Lifestyle Disease: Researchers Make the Connection Between Food, Obesity and the Big “C” Source – NaturalSociety by Julie Fidler, August 14th, 2017 If you’re fighting cancer […]
Birth Control Pill Officially Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
(Alex Pietrowski) Some predict that in coming years cancer rates will climb to 1 in 2 adults, and in the throes of such a serious cancer epidemic, all eyes are on causes and cures. Hormonal birth control has long been suspected of contributing to the risk of developing cancer, and this claim is further supported by a European […]
Cancer Can Now Be Detected Through Natural Sound Waves Emitted By The Human Body
(Humans Are Free) Cancer places a big burden on society, with an estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer in 2016 alone. In fact, the National Cancer Institute predicts that close to 600,000 people will die from cancer in the same year – and that’s just in the United States. Related: Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer […]