Source – Brian Kelly’s Blog The Face Behind Bitcoin March 6, 2014 Satoshi Nakamoto stands at the end of his sunbaked driveway looking timorous. And annoyed. He’s wearing a rumpled T-shirt, old blue jeans and white gym socks, without shoes, like he has left the house in a hurry. His hair is unkempt, and he […]
The Twisted Tale of $200 Billion…. Now you see it…. now you…. opps!
Source – Removing the Shackles Grab a coffee- this will be a long one!When things “illuminate” for me, I get a driving urge to get the article out RIGHT NOW or I’ll implode. This morning was one of those mornings. Nick showed me an article on RT and immediately my brain went into overdrive. This will […]
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Bill Still (Nov 18th – 21st) – JFK Assassination, Bitcoin and Lies 1 Census
Bill covers some of the big disclosures happening lately, that the economic numbers are a fraud, along with the some news about Bitcoin, and the glaring contradictions of the official JFK assassination story. – Justin Still Report #126 – Feds Love Bitcoins Published on Nov 18, 2013 Guess who BitCoins new friends are — the Obama gang. ______________________ Still […]
Activist Post: Bitcoin Comes Under Full Scale Attack by Regulators
Thank you Lucas of for finding this. – Justin Source Digital cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, still have a long way to go before mainstream use, but they seem to pose a huge threat to the existing financial paradigm as evidence by the recent frantic reaction by regulators. To be clear, cryptocurrencies are threatening because no central […]