(Biblioteca Pleyades) The Council on Foreign Relations is a branch of an international group of co-conspirators called the Round Table Group. Other branches include;
“Daddy Warbucks” of Drugs and Death – CFR member George Soros
(Biblioteca Pleyades) In “Theirs Was the Kingdom: Lila and DeWitt Wallace and the Story of the Reader’s Digest”. [New York: W.W. Norton, 1993. 701 pages], author John Heidenry writes how the Reader’s Digest grew to become the world’s most successful publisher of magazines, and largest global marketer of books. At one time the Digest had a circulation of 18 million. Heidenry also writes how the Reader’s Digest through its Washington Bureau, was a major distributor of Cold War propaganda with strong connections to the US intelligence community.
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Occult Holidays and Sabbats
(Biblioteca Pleyades) As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power.
“The Great Reset”, Davos, Soros, Gates, the Un, COVID-19, and Trump
(Biblioteca Pleyades) From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with the global pandemic.
Bilderberg – Where Big Business and Big Government Plot Globalism
(Alex Newman) Over the weekend at the Bilderberg summit in the Danish capital, dozens of the world’s most important Big Business and mega-bank CEOs were meeting behind closed doors (and massive amounts of taxpayer-funded security) with a collection of powerful Big Government leaders.
A Secret Babylonian Cult – The Jesuits
(Alfred Lambremont Webre) Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD) discusses the historical role of Russia in protecting humanity against the destructive scenarios of Jesuitism, including the role of Tsar Alexander II in saving the USA during the Civil War to the present day of Vladimir Putin in preventing WWIII.
Council on Foreign Relations and The Federal Reserve
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Related Praying Medic: QAnon September 8, 2020 – History Repeats Itself (Video) Source – Biblioteca Pleyades by Staff Writer The Joint Chiefs of Staff DoD Publication 1 (1987) Glossary of Department of Defense Military Associated Terms defines: “COVERT OPERATIONS: (DoD, Interpol, Inter-American Defense Board) Operations which are so planned and executed as to […]
One World Governance and The Council on Foreign Relations
(Joachim Hagopian) New World Order propaganda rules and shapes the world. And there’s no more powerful propagator of propaganda that rules and shapes US global hegemony, world events and major geopolitical developments than the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Dulce Underground Alien Base (Part 5/16)
(Christi Verismo) Bill Hamilton did OT 3 in Scientology about 1970 and he’s been expelled. A few years ago Bill Robertson took him the very first Sector 9 issues, so his viewpoint is more from a planetary and intergalactic scenario. Hamilton summarizes everything that he found out as follows: The Dulce New Mexico underground base has UFOs seen in the area every night. Cattle have been mutilated, cut with a laser-knife.
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Nazis In America: The Secret Government and Space Program (Part 3/16)
Related Browse This Series Source – Biblioteca Pleyades by Christi Verismo, AMERICA BUILDS ITS OWN SPACESHIPS. The Americans were confronted with technology, they couldn’t counter so signed a non-interference treaty to get the technology to fight back. The Germans gave the USA their anti-grav technology after the war, when they came to America. Al says […]
The Russian Secret Space Program (Part 1/16)
(Christi Verismo) DID RUSSIA BUILT A FLEET OF FLYING SAUCERS AFTER THE WAR? A series of 30 articles on what is going on in the skies, probably unknown to anyone except intelligence agents, privy to the latest space technology, has been put on the net and written by a former US govt. insider calling himself “One who knows”. These articles are called Fire From The Sky. In summary these articles claim that the Russians, starting from about 1977, began to produce a flying disk initially called ‘cosmos-interceptor’ then later called cosmospheres.
The Pyramids of Giza Aligned Perfectly with Orion’s Belt in the Year 10,450 BC
(Biblioteca Pleyades) The Orion Mystery
Exposing the 18 Families of the Black Nobility
(Dee Jay) The “Black Nobility” are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies).
UFOs: The Psychic Dimension Part 3
(David Pratt) Studies show that the probability of a UFO close encounter peaks between 1 and 3 am, and that they are most likely to occur in remote and sparsely populated areas. Some examples of close encounters (mainly CE3s) are given below. They tend to contain elements of ’high strangeness’, and show that credible people sometimes report incredible things.
UFOs: The Psychic Dimension Part 2
(David Pratt) 4. Physical parameters
UFOs come in an incredible variety of shapes, and there are very few instances where absolutely identical-looking UFOs have been independently sighted in different locations. UFOs in the shape of dumbbells, hats, and washtubs have been reported, as have machines flying through the air with moving wings. But many UFO enthusiasts prefer to ignore reports that do not conform to their conception of what extraterrestrial spacecraft should look like!