(Joseph P. Farrell) While various platforms are rushing around censoring any mention of potential connections of [ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY REFERENCE CENSORED] to [THE STORY THAT EVERYONE IS SICK OF HEARING ABOUT WHICH HAS BEEN CENSORED], J.H. found an intriguing paper that indicates that my hypothesis about those sudden bird deaths being due to electromagnetic tests of some sort may be true.
Merkabah Mysticism; The Mystery Behind Ezekiel’s Biblical Vision
(Tasha Shayne) Ezekiel is one of the most curious figures in the Old Testament. His visions are reminiscent of visitations from other-dimensional beings, and the Book created in his name — the Book of Ezekiel — is the foundation for Merkava mysticism, a school of thought that has survived to this very day. It takes a discerning and informed mind to parse metaphor from historical reality, but both are equally helpful in discovering more about the mystical path created in the shadow of this most mysterious character of early Jewish mysticism.
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Deep State – 13 BLOODLINES & their Diabolical End Game | Tentacles of the Deep State [2018] PART 3
Deep State – 13 BLOODLINES & their Diabolical End Game | Tentacles of the Deep State [2018] PART 3
Who Is Q?: We Interviewed The Anons Themselves To Get To The Heart of the Mystery
(Patrick Howley) As the “Q Anon” movement races into worldwide relevance, the White House press corps still refuses to address this growing phenomenon. The Q movement — predicated on the revelations of an apparent government insider named “Q” — seeks to expose the globalist criminal conspiracy that operates from within the confines of the U.S. federal government. Q alleges or implies that human trafficking, sexual exploitation of minors, narcotics smuggling, and unspeakable violence are being perpetrated by a small number of globalist elites, including those in the U.S. intelligence agencies who either condone or actively participate in the crimes.
Evidence Suggests Reincarnation Was Intentionally Removed From The Bible
(Alanna Ketler) Most, if not all of us are familiar with one of the most popular books of all time, the Holy Bible. We have large sanctions of people who live their lives from the knowledge and guidelines in the bible and take the bible as a sort of manuscript for where we came from, how […]
The Rapture Nibiru Booboo Flash : Fake News? Or Golden Threads We Can Use?
(William Henry) I am always intrigued, and a bit suspicious, when fake news like this goes viral, especially in the mainstream mindstream. The reason is, embedded within the obvious ‘stupid stuff’ in these stories there is sometimes a “Men In Black” or ANCIENT ALIENS kernel of truth… and an invitation to pull on the proverbial hidden golden thread to find more truth. In Meade’s case, the ‘stupid’ part of his conspiracy theory is that the ‘planet’ — the planet — Nibiru will slam into earth and that the Rapture will affect anyone other than believing Christians.
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Who Was Methuselah? A Man Who Lived For 969 Years According To The Bible
(Ivan) Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather, is considered the man with one of the longest lifespan’s in history and is said to have lived for 969 years until the great flood swept across the land.
The Secret Meaning of the Tree of Life & Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article provides an esoteric interpretation of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, as depicted in the Bible. I want to emphasize a point raised by the author, Pao Chang, who provided an excellent analysis. Chang presents an interpretation of masculinity and feminity, as it […]
An Area of Space Hidden by Google/NASA: The Red Dragon of Revelation
(Mr Robot) In the constellation Virgo, which is the astrology sign Libra, a “Red Dragon” anomaly was covered up by Google Sky, with a black box that led a lot of people to question what they were hiding. Related Rumor and Prophecy — September 23, 2017? What’s Going to Happen? Source – Anongroup by Mr Robot, September […]
Rumor and Prophecy — September 23, 2017? What’s Going to Happen?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following video reviews some of the rumor and speculation surrounding the date of September 23rd, from Christian as well as other perspectives. For years now, every fall, rumors abound about various global shifts or prophecies. Whether or not these events occur, as described, often remains unclear. But in many […]
The Influence, Coded Meaning, and Philosophic Fabric of the Bible — An Enlightening Lecture Series by Dr. Jordan B Peterson
by Justin Deschamps, Toronto University professor and outspoken advocate of free speech, critical thought, philosophy, self-improvement, and truth-speaking, Dr. Jordan B Peterson is producing a fascinating lecture series on the Bible. He discusses the work in a nonreligious way, analyzing it as a psychologist, philosopher, scientist, and human being. Unlike the often dry and dusty […]
Coincidence? These Terrorist Attacks Occurred on the 22nd — Genesis Chapter 22, the Sacrifice of Isaac
(Jessica McBride) Coincidence? Or not? You might be surprised how many major terrorist attacks have occurred on the 22nd day of the month. At least seven, in recent years. Related 42 Government ADMITTED False Flag Attacks Source – Heavy by Jessica McBride, May 24th, 2017 There’s an eighth if you go back to 1970. There’s […]
The Bible tells you not to take it literally!!!
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, April 11, 2017 The bible not intended to be taken literally!!! I grew up in a church of fire and brimstone – constantly teaching about God’s world tomorrow of which only the few could pass into. The rest would die unless they repented of their sins and if they […]
Skull and Bones 322
(Moe) “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.” – James Jesus Angleton (Mother of the CIA) One of the most infamous secret societies in the world is known as the American order of Skull and Bones that was founded in 1832 at Yale University. The order is also known as “Bones”, and members are called “Bonesmen” who […]
David Wilcock: The Antarctic Atlantis – History of the Illuminati — CLE 2017 Notes: Part 2
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Part two of the CLE note series covers David Wilcock’s Saturday talk from the Consciousness Life Expo event, entitled: The Antarctic Atlantis – History of the Illuminati. For video excerpts of the CLE talk see: David Wilcock | Corey Goode: The Antarctic Atlantis [MUST SEE LIVE DISCLOSURE!]. This is the the […]