(Mike LaChance) Bernie Sanders is apparently open to running for president in 2024 if Biden doesn’t run.
bernie sanders
Like ‘Homicide’: Private Biden Call Reveals White House Panic as Critical Democrats Break Ranks
(Elizabeth Stauffer) A little trouble in paradise?
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“If You Reach Bernie Sanders, You’ve Gone Too Far Left”…Hilarious “TRUMP GPS” Has Everyone Wanting One [Video]
(B.K. House) Few People can nail an impression like Rich Little. For those too young to remember, Mr. Little has impersonated nearly every president in his lifetime, and celebrities alike.
Bernie Sanders Admits Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats Walked Away from Coronavirus Relief Bill Offered by Republicans
(Carlos Garcia) Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) admitted that Democrats walked away from a coronavirus bill that the Republicans had put on the table.
Trump Tells ‘Bernie Bros’ To Vote Republican After Another “Crooked Hillary Fiasco” By The DNC
(Zero Hedge) Update (1240ET): After spending the last two years bashing him as a Russia-approved closed communist who would lead a cultural revolution-style purge of landlords and the wealthy, Biden has congratulated Sanders, and urged his followers to support the former VP, who will almost certainly clinch the nomination now.
Democratic Debate Was A Raging DUMPSTER Fire So Bad Even BUZZFEED Slammed It, Trump Wins Again (Video)
Democratic Debate Was A Raging DUMPSTER Fire So Bad Even BUZZFEED Slammed It, Trump Wins Again (Video)
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2020 Is Going To Get Much Crazier, Prioritize Your Mental Health
(Caitlin Johnstone) The outrage over the Iowa caucus scandal has continued to burn white hot as more and more establishment manipulations against the Bernie Sanders campaign come into view.
“Because I Got 6,000 More Votes”: Bernie Sanders Declares Victory in Iowa Caucus
(Jake Johnson) Touting his 6,000-vote lead over Pete Buttigieg with 97% of Iowa Democratic caucus precincts reporting, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday declared victory in the first-in-the-nation presidential contest and slammed the state Democratic Party’s handling of the process as “extremely unfair to the people of Iowa” and the entire 2020 Democratic presidential field.
Rigged Already? Chaos In Iowa: Thousands Of Furious Supporters Claim Iowa Caucus “Rigged”
(Zero Hedge) Update (0945ET): We’re not huge fans of Nate Silver, but the 538 data guru delivered a memorable rant about how the Dems found themselves in this situation.
Joe Rogan Smeared As “White Nationalist Transphobe” After Bernie Sanders Accepts His Endorsement
(Paul Joseph Watson) Woke morons are eating their own once again. Joe Rogan is being smeared by leftists as a right-wing white nationalist transphobe after Bernie Sanders accepted the podcast host’s endorsement.
Dems Fight: “I Think You Just Called Me A Liar”: Ex-Native-American Liz Warren Snaps At Bernie On Hot Mic
(Zero Hedge) Oh the irony…
Sanders Fans Outraged After Warren’s “Disgusting” Debate Snub
(Zero Hedge) The burgeoning feud between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders that has helped to divide America’s newly resurgent far-left just escalated to absurd new heights.
FEMA Camps for Trumpers?: ‘Gulags Weren’t That Bad’: Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be ‘Re-Educated In Camps’
(Zero Hedge) An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that “cities will burn” if President Trump is reelected this year, and that Trump supporters will need to be reeducated in literal gulags, similar to what Germany did to ‘Nazified’ Germans after World War II.
She Did it Again: “And they also said Bernie Sanders.” Hillary Casually Drops ‘Russian Asset’ Smear on Bernie Sanders in New Interview
(Zero Hedge) Hillary Clinton went on the Howard Stern show this week for a wide-ranging interview with the popular radio host, specifically focusing on her loss to Trump and what 2020 looks like — a race she’s recently dropped hints she could be prepared to enter, however unlikely that might be.
Rigged Again? Obama Admits He Would Speak Up Only To Stop Bernie Sanders Nomination
(Zero Hedge) As we noted earlier, a bombshell admission from Politico today exploring Obama’s substantial behind the scenes influence as Democratic kingmaker: included in the lengthy profile on the day-to-day of the former president’s personal office in the West End of Washington D.C. and his meeting with the field of Democratic candidates,is the following gem: