(Just the News ) Compared to average bacteria, size of cells “like meeting another human the size of Mount Everest.”
Extracts from Cinnamon and Pomegranates Show Antimicrobial Activities Against Food-Poisoning Bacteria
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) Foodborne illness is a major concern for the food industry and regulatory agencies around the world. The most common cause of foodborne illness, or food poisoning, is consuming spoiled foods or products contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), foodborne illness is a costly public health problem that, while preventable, can still claim lives if not treated promptly. In the U.S., one in six Americans get sick due to food poisoning and around 3,000 die each year.
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Explosive! BACTERIA Killed People in the 1918 Pandemic & Fauci KNEW (Reuters Fact-Check Accidentally CONFIRMS Everything it Tries to Debunk)
(Silviu “Silview” Costinescu) I hear there’s many more “fact-checks” on this, published by other presstitutes, that all seem copied from the same press-release or something…
Gut Bacteria Can Help Fight the Harmful Effects of Processed Foods like Cereals and Pasta, Scientists Find
(Divina Ramirez) Research shows how a certain bacterium found in the human gut can break down a chemical commonly found in processed foods, such as ultra-pasteurized milk, pasta, chocolate and breakfast cereals. Published in Cell Host & Microbe, the findings generate invaluable insight into how gut microbes break down processed foods and lower the risk of health conditions often associated with those foods, such as obesity and diabetes.
Doesn’t Stomach Acid Eat Bacteria? Researchers Successfully Identify the Hiding Place of H. Pylori, a Bacteria Linked to Stomach Ulcers, Cancer
(Evangelyn Rodriguez) The bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori is notorious for its ability to colonize humans and cause stomach ulcers. While an H. pylori infection rarely causes any symptoms, there are some cases where the bacterium causes open sores to form in the stomach or triggers severe inflammation — an event that could eventually lead to gastric cancer.
What Could Go Wrong? DARPA Seeks “Militarized Microbes” So They Can Spread Genetically Modified Bacteria
(Mac Slavo) The Pentagon’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) wants to be able to spread genetically modified bacteria as “explosives sensors.” The United States government could very well be looking into ways to militarize microbes.
Brain Microbiome: Gut Bacteria in the Human Brain
(Exploring your Mind) Bacteria have been discovered in the brain, but there is no explanation of how they got there, nor is it known if they’re beneficial or harmful. It’s even suspected that they can influence mood and personality.
Psychobiotics: Bacteria For Your Brain?
(Kelly Brogan, M.D.) Every functional medicine psychiatrist has case stories of the “probiotic cure” – of a patient with debilitating symptoms, often obsessive compulsive range, whose symptoms remitted completely with dietary change and probiotic supplementation. Is this voodoo or is it based on a growing understanding of the role of the microbiome in mental health and behavior?
Russian Scientists Discover Bacteria that Neutralizes Nuclear Waste
(Geopolitics) Russia does it again! In another groundbreaking feat, Russian scientists found a way to neutralize nuclear radioactivity through bacterial intervention. This is exactly in line with their previous announcement about an industrial method pertaining to the transmutation of elements via biochemical approach.
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Powerful Natural Remedies: Essential Oils of Lemon Grass and Orange Found to Kill Bacteria with Stunning Effectiveness
(Ellaine Castillo) A study by researchers from the University of Ibadan has revealed that essential oils from lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and orange (Citrus sinensis) have antioxidant and antibacterial properties.