(Rosanne Lindsay) Do you have trouble waking up? Does a tight feeling in your gut cause you to pull the covers over your head to return to your dreams? Are you wide awake at 3 AM?
Riot Police Remove Helmets, Join in Solidarity with Citizens Protesting Corrupt Government
(Matt Agorist) A grassroots movement made up of citizens who have become fed up with the political establishment in France has been growing since early November and it has come to a head this week. The movement, known as “gilets jaunes” or “yellow vests” began as an anti-tax protest but has since merged folks from the left and the right into a much broader anti-government protest.
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Benefits of Spiritual Awakening That Nobody Mentions
(Christine Hirlehey) Spiritual awakening is described differently by different belief systems, but at their core, each describes a person becoming more aware of reality as it exists beyond the confines of the self. They describe an experience of moving beyond one’s own selfish concerns, worldview and inner voice, and gaining a broader and clearer perspective.
The Antidote To The Deep State/Cabal
(Joe Martino) Revelations of a shadowy government behind the scenes of ‘real government’ have been coming forth for many, many years. A group of individuals, bound to no country and no religion, have been quietly influencing everything in our world from the economy, political policy, healthcare, the food supply and more. Quite literally, they influence and control everything. This is what many call the Deep State or The Cabal.
To Do The Thing You’ve Always Wanted To Do, You Have To Do It
(James McDougall) I’m going to talk about a fairly simple concept, but one that I think many people lose sight of when attempting to make significant changes in their lives. Many people stick to the mindset that ‘in order to do the things I want to do, I have to first do all the things I “need” to do.’ I know I’m definitely guilty of this kind of this thinking from time to time. But if I pay attention to my experience, it actually teaches me something different.
6 Ways You Hinder Your Self-Growth Without Knowing It
(Mateo Sol) Our “self-esteem” is a very delicate illusion. We are so off-centered when it comes to locating the origin of our self-worth, that the smallest realization of an imperfection in ourselves can bring up all kinds of insecurities. Related Consciousness Hacking | The Ideal Self as Tool For Growth — Higher Self, Ideal Self, Ego Self and […]
Exclusive Interview: David Wilcock On Midterm Elections & How The Cabal Is Losing Power
Exclusive Interview: David Wilcock On Midterm Elections & How The Cabal Is Losing Power
On Becoming Free – What Are We Really Freeing Ourselves For?
(Gary Z McGee) Becoming free is creating your own virtuous system despite being outflanked by unvirtuous systems controlled by unvirtuous men. It is cultivating a healthy way of living despite the unhealthy ways of unhealthy men. It’s becoming so “absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion” (Albert Camus). Then it’s building “a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” (Buckminster Fuller).
How To Open The Doors Of Perception At Will Without Psychedelics
(Shelley M. White) What if you found out there was a key that would enable you to open and close your doors of perception at will, void of psychedelics? What if you found out you not only held the key, but you were the key? Would you unlock the doors, or keep them shut?
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NEW Signs Of Change Oct’18. Qanon, False Flags, UFO programs, Above Majestic, Mass Meditations
NEW Signs Of Change Oct’18. Qanon, False Flags, UFO programs, Above Majestic, Mass Meditations
“Heed the call to move within stillness.” – A Deep Message From The Inner Self
(Justin Deschamps) In July 2018, During the ECETI conference in Washington State, I was fortunate enough to receive what appears to be a channeled message. This took place during a workshop conducted by Teresa Yanaros, Journalist, Author, and Visionary for Divine Frequency.
Loneliness – The Dilemma of the Awakening Mind
(Julian Wash) Today I wish to address to you a certain brand of loneliness. It is perhaps the most debilitating form of the condition. The state is sometimes referred to as “isolation” or the sense of being disconnected, apart, abandoned or simply “different” from everyone else you know.
The Truth About Pepe the Frog and the Cult of Kek — It’s More Synchronistic Than You Think!
(Kauilapele) Well, this one is off the standard blogging path (sort of), although it relates to some images and terms I have seen floating around the 8chan Q posts and so on. I’ve seen “Pepe the Frog”, and really had no idea where this all came from. I’ve also seen the phrase “KEK“, which I found out is an alternative way of writing “lol” (Laughing out Loud). But I never really knew where these things came from, until I was pointed to this article.
The Hero’s Adventure: What Movies Can Teach Us About Facing Our Shadow
(Luke Miller) The hero’s adventure is a term popularised by Joseph Campbell based upon his 1949 work “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”. The late Campbell was an American Professor of Literature and a philosopher who described the adventure one must embark upon to fully realise who he/she is.
Number Synchronicities — What Are They and How Do They Work?
by Christine Hirlehey, There was an episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation called “Cause and Effect.” In this episode, the Enterprise was caught in a time loop in which the ship was destroyed, and then time would repeat from the beginning of the loop. The android officer, Lieutenant Data, was able to send a message […]