by Justin Deschamps, False flags have been a regular part of human life for a very long time. More recently, this weaponized use of media has become more well known. Unlike in past years, this season of sacrifice, as it is known to some researchers, might be a big surprise to all of us, as […]
Astrotheology: The Sun of God — Christmas and the Risen Savior
(Lynn Hayes) The fact that our Judeo-Christian mythos is a derivation of earlier religions and legends has moved into the mainstream, and the idea that the divinity of Jesus has parallels with other gods is no longer a shocking idea.
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False Flag Season is About to Begin — Research, History, and Analysis
Every year, beginning on March 19th and ending about 40 days later, on May 1st, the dark elite carry out what is known as the Season of Sacrifice. This is when false flag attacks occur with greater frequency. It is a time for those brave enough to recognize these truths to be vigilant against what will likely be a series of psychological warfare operations designed to manipulate the minds of the people. In the following article, we’ll review the evidence and historical basis for why this assertion is likely correct.
New Moon in Sagittarius – Resolving the Past and Embodying the New
(Simon Vorster and Jennifer Langstone)This is a time when many great energetic cycles are coming to an end. As our deepest truths began to play out in living fullness, the energy patterns of the last lunar cycle invited us to reflect on the big picture of our lives and our direction — to contemplate inwardly what we […]
The 40-Day Season of Sacrifice: March (19th or 22nd) to May 1st | Manipulating the Collective Consciousness of Humanity Using Mass Black Magic Rituals
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I wrote the following article last year in an effort to let others know about how the powers that should not be plan their chaos sorcery—distorting events to suit a secret agenda. Days after it was published, the Brussels attacks took place, on March 22nd, 2016—precisely within the window described and on an […]
Winter Solstice, Mayan Calendar & The Shift in Consciousness: How They’re All Connected
(Luke Miller) There has been a real buildup to today in the last few months. So much has been going on numerologically and astrologically that I have missed a chunk of it on the conscious level. However, I have certainly been feeling it, and chances are if you are reading this, you have too. Related Galactic Alignment […]
Galactic Alignment At Winter Solstice – Do Not Miss This Great Wave!
(Geneviève Lucette) On December 21, 2016 Earth will be in alignment with the Sun and the Milky Way Galactic Center. The line of the winter and summer solstices marks the vertical axis of Earth. It’s the same line and wave for the northern and southern hemisphere. Source – In5D One of our readers posted this important […]
13 Days of Preparation | Occult Significance of May Day and the 13 days of April 19th – May 1st
There are various occult (hidden) days of significance throughout the calendar year which have special importance. From March 22nd to May 1st is known as the ‘season of sacrifice,’ which as a period of time when many false flag events have occurred. Related The 40-Day Season of Sacrifice: March (19th or 22nd) to May 1st | Manipulating the Collective […]
(Updated) The Temple of Baal (Bel) Coming to London and Later to New York (Occult Analysis) | The Resurrection of Ba’al (Moloch, The Golden Calf) Ritual
Update – the temple of Ba’al is no longer going to be rebuilt in London. But the following article is still a wealth of information related to Ba’al symbolism and other archetypes. Related Victory! The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Planned For New York City Has Been CANCELED By Justin Deschamps An archway from the […]
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Manly P. Hall Shares His Wisdom on Astrotheology and Occult Knowledge (Video)
Manly P. Hall is a mystic and philosopher from the early 20th Century. He is known for his long lectures on consciousness, mysticism, mythology, the occult and how all these weave together in understanding the evolution of the soul. In modern times, especially within the truther community, Hall is either revered or hated. His ties […]
Origins and Occult Symbolism of Easter | A Celebration of the Spring Equinox: Biblical Connections, Christian and Babylonian Traces
The following is a series of articles discussing the possible mythological origins and meanings of Easter. The meanings described are derived from the worldviews and beliefs of the people who wrote them, and I found it interesting to see how their extrapolations were affected. See AstroTheology, Alchemy, Roman Solstice Practices, Occult Symbolism for more on this. […]
The 40-Day Season of Sacrifice: March (19th or 22nd) to May 1st | Manipulating the Collective Consciousness of Humanity Using Mass Black Magic Rituals
by Justin Deschamps p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px Times; color: #0000ee; -webkit-text-stroke: #0000ee} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline ; font-kerning: none} Our world is awash with subtle influences, indoctrination, intimidation, coercion, and deception – all designed to make us feel disempowered so that we become willing pawns for a global elite. As many know, false […]
Occult Meanings of Winter Solstice and Christmas | AstroTheology, Alchemy, Roman Solstice Practices, Occult Symbolism, Santa Claus, Reincarnation
The time of winter solstice is at hand! The following is a very popular repost from last year. We need not blindly accept the consumeristic behaviors of our fellows. In times of old, individuals contemplated their life path and accomplishments, seeking to make the next year a grander unfoldment of one’s dharma. The roots of […]
2,000 Year Old Greek Analog Computer Baffles Researchers | Ancient Humans Knew The Earth Was Round
Thank you Aaron from Manifest Destiny Triforce for this one. Perhaps the modern day view of slow and steady technological progress needs to be challenged. Archeology contends that the human race was more primitive the further back one looks at history, yet there is a growing body of evidence suggesting the reverse, that ancient humans […]
Venus & Jupiter to Pair in Spectacular ‘Star of Bethlehem’ Conjunction
No major celestial event goes without its major significance. What could the grand meaning behind this rare conjunction of Venus and Jupiter have in store for us? Given the blood-moon prophecies of this year, and that we are seeing an unparalleled level of awakening across the globe, this could be one herald of major changes coming for our world. The question is, are […]