(Joe Hoft) Say some prayers that the most honest and qualified auditors in the US perform the audit of the 2020 election results in Arizona’s Maricopa County.
Popular News Anchor Publicly Resigns: “I Found Myself Reading News Copy That I Didn’t Believe Was Fully Truthful”
(Leisa Audette) A popular news anchor in Phoenix, Arizona, quit her job after 22 years on the air. Kari Lake had been a co-anchor with John Hook on Fox10 in Phoenix but says she believes “journalism has changed a lot” and doesn’t align with her values now.
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HUGE NEWS: Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Provide 2.1 Million Ballots From 2020 to Arizona Senate for Audit
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A Maricopa County judge has ruled that the Arizona Senate subpoenas demanding the 2020 election ballots and voting machines for audit are valid.
BIG UPDATE: Tired of Messing With the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, the Arizona Senate Passes Bill Granting Them Right to Subpoena Records
(Joe Hoft) Arizona’s Senate is done messing around with the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. On Thursday the Senate updated the state’s law granting them the ability to subpoena election records like ballots and tabulating equipment and ignore any laws to the contrary.
The Same Clandestine Companies Involved in the Certification of Dominion Voting Systems and the 2020 Results in Georgia Were Chosen for the Upcoming Arizona ‘Audit’
(Joe Hoft) What we found is very strange. What is going on?
CONFUSION: Arizona GOP Was Told They Could Finally Audit 2020 Ballots, Then Maricopa County Declared ‘Negotiations Continue’
(Jack Hadfield) The process for an audit in the county is seemingly ongoing.
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ONLY EIGHT: Here Are the Eight GOP Senators Who Stood With President and Against Arizona and Pennsylvania Election Results
(Jim Hoft) Only Six of 52 GOP Senators stood with President Trump and secure elections during voting last night on the Senate floor.
HUGE: Arizona Patriots Identify Between 160,000 to 400,000 ‘Phantom’ Ballots In Their State 2020 Election Results
(Joe Hoft) As we noted earlier, a group of patriots in Arizona held a presentation this evening outside the capitol in Arizona.
No Plans to Yield: Texas Stands by Claim that Biden Win “Statistically Impossible”
(Ramon Tomey) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton defended a statistical analysis claiming that Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s victory was “statistically impossible.” Paxton stood by the analysis by economist Charles Cicchetti that said Biden had “less than one in a quadrillion” chance of winning in a clean election. The attorney general’s defense of the claim on Dec. 11 followed his now-dismissed lawsuit against four battleground states.
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BOOM! Arizona’s GOP Electors File Motion To Intervene In Maricopa County Case
(ProTrumpNews Staff) Arizona’s Republican Electors filed a motion to intervene in the case against Maricopa County.
Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner
(Jim Hoft) The Election Wiz reported, via Palmieri Report:
MUST-SEE VIDEO: Voter Fraud Occurred in Arizona – The State Certified Fraudulent Results (VIDEO)
(Joe Hoft) The 2020 Election Results in Arizona clearly make no sense and therefore indicate fraud.
HUGE: Data Analysts Breaks Down Voter Fraud In Arizona…790,000 Laundered Votes Allegedly Injected Into The System [VIDEO]
(Allan Miller) THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE – There was massive Democrat voter fraud in Arizona in the 2020 election in a just few key counties.
HUGE: AZ Legislators Call For Decertification Of State’s False Election Results…Invoke Article 2, Section 1 – Meaning Arizona Is Officially A Contested Election
(Allan Miller) Arizona Republicans on Monday called for the decertification of their state’s false election results.
AZ Fed Agents Looking For Evidence of Cyberattack and Stolen Voter Data, Raid Home Of IT Expert In Maricopa County…Confiscate 8 Hard Drives, 3 Computers, Bag of USB Sticks
(Patty McMurray) Arizona federal officials raided the home of 56-year-old IT expert, Elliot Kerwin in Maricopa County, AZ on Friday. During their raid, agents confiscated eight hard drives, three computers, and a bag of USB sticks.